When you achieve level 60, you will receive mail from Lady Galadriel.
You are invited to speak with Haldir or Calengoth to obtain the Book 9, Foreword: The Dark Shore, if you have not already.
You will receive and complete the deed The Siege of Mirkwood.
Due to ongoing changes in the game, you no longer require Acquaintance standing with the Galadhrim to pass the borders of Lothlórien.
- From: Lady Galadriel
- To: <name>
- Subject: On Behalf of the Golden Host
- A time long prepared-for approaches, and I have seen your part in it. My husband Celeborn has called for a great company, the Golden Host of Lórien, to cross the river Anduin and bring battle to the fortress of Dol Guldur. It stands atop a stony height in the depths of Mirkwood, and behind its walls great evil is brewing.
- Come to our lands, and prepare to fight this growing shadow! Speak to Haldir of Lórien on his flet just outside the Golden Wood, or to the boat-master Calengoth, standing vigil on the south-eastern docks of Lothlórien, on the Great River itself.
- We have need of great adventurers such as you, my friend. Please come to Lothlórien, from there to depart for Mirkwood!
- If you have not already proven yourself to the march-wardens of my land, do so before crossing the bounds! Assist the Elves on Talan Haldir and at Echad Andestel, outside the borders of my land. If you have already done so, you will have no trouble crossing into Lothlórien, and can join the Golden Host at once.
- Lady Galadriel of Lórien