Nargothrond was the stronghold built by Finrod Felagund during the First Age. It was delved into the banks of the river Narog in Beleriand. Inspired by the halls of Menegroth in Doriath, the stronghold of Nargothrond was carved into the rock beneath Taur-en-Faroth, and could only be approached by a narrow path along the high banks of the river Narog. No bridge was built across the river until late in its history.
The citadel long lay hidden from Morgothand was ruled wisely for long years by Finrod. After he was lost in the Quest of the Silmaril, his brother Orodreth expelled the usurping sons of Fëanor, Celegorm and Curufin, and was Lord in Nargothrond.
When Túrin dwelt in Nargothrond, he persuaded the Elves who dwelt there to change their long policy of secrecy, and openly attack the servants of Morgoth. So the Dark Lord discovered the city's location, and sent out an army under the Dragon Glaurung to sack and destroy it.