Mordrambor (Angmar)

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This page is about Mordrambor in an instance in Angmar. For Mordrambor at other locations, see Mordrambor
Level: 52
Region: Angmar

Type: Nemesis
Genus: Man
Species: Angmarim

Morale: 26,000
Power: 1,278
Advanced Stats


Mordrambor appears at Gador Gúlaran in Angmar for the Epic quest Volume I, Book 15, Instance: One Hope Remains. He is the second-to-last boss of the instance.


Narchuil's Embrace Increased power.
Mark of Narchuil The player has been marked for death by Mordrambor for 40s
Roaring Inferno Ground area inflicts minor Fire Damage every 2 seconds
Invoke the Eye Target has +15% Tactical Damage and -15% Attack Duration for 2m
Fire of Narchuil -50% Fire Mitigation for 1m
Narchuil's Weight +50% Incoming Melee Damage for 1 minute
