Low Lands Quests
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No quests start within the Low Lands, unbound to any location
Quests starting at specified locations:
- [10] Another Brother's Sorrow
- [10] Crafting: Making Use of the Low-lands - Scholar
- [10] Crafting: Outfitting the Defenders - Metalsmith
- [10] Crafting: Steambeard's Hungry Work - Cook
- [10] Protecting the Hunt
- [10] Feeding the Outpost
- [10] Warming the Garrison
- [10] The Sundered Shield
- [11] Vow of Vengeance
- [11] Clear the Way
- [12] The Plundered Port
- [13] The Elf-stone
- [15] Building the Thorin's Hall Homestead
- [15] Gondamon to Bree-town
- [50] Deep Secrets of Rune-craft - Rune-keeper
- [50] A Worthy Garment - Rune-keeper
- [50] Hewing a New Stone - Rune-keeper
Epic Quests:
- [11] Prologue (Elf): Suspicious Encampment
- [11] Prologue (Elf): Reluctant Allies
- [11] Prologue (Dwarf/Elf): Mutual Dislike
- [50] Volume I, Book 9, Chapter 3: Journey to Gondamon
Festival quests:
Treasure Field Base Camp
- [...] Introduction: Treasure Hunt
- [...] Berries
- [...] Treasure Hunt