Item:Well-stocked Charcoal Rubbing Kit

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Well-stocked Charcoal Rubbing Kit
  • Item Level: 1
  • Cannot Be Destroyed
  • Consumed On Use
  • "A charcoal kit for taking impressions and rubbings of old carvings and runes. This method of collecting historical information does not damage the relics."
  • Stacks to 50

Item Information

This item is required to open Grand Relics of Ikorbân.

Craft Information

Profession: Scholar

​Crafting Tier: Umbar (Tier 15)

​Recipe:  Well-stocked Charcoal Rubbing Kit Recipe


5 Well-stocked Charcoal Rubbing Kit

Barter Information

Barterers: Phetekâri Quartermaster, Shulêga (Friend standing required)

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

3 Well-stocked Charcoal Rubbing Kit 10 Shagâni Ghín

Barterers: Mâkhda Khorbo Quartermaster (Bej Mâgha), Ikorbân Valley Quartermaster (Urmâkh), and Temple of Utug-bûr Quartermaster (Vestibule of Utug-bûr)

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

5 Well-stocked Charcoal Rubbing Kit 10 Sand-worn Copper Token

Barterers: Temple of Utug-bûr Quartermaster (Vestibule of Utug-bûr)

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

5 Well-stocked Charcoal Rubbing Kit  Cold-iron Token