Item:Tracery Token, Incomparable

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Tracery Token, Incomparable

Barter Information

Barterer: Legendary Weapons/Class Items, Gobeth Teithian, the Archive of Traceries

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

 Tracery Token, Incomparable  Shattered Ithilien Tracery
 Tracery Token, Incomparable  Shattered Morgul Tracery

Drop Information

This item can be obtained after completing certain tiers of the Legendary Item Reward Track.

This item can be obtained by opening the following:

This item has a small chance to be found in the following:


When opened, this item grants a level-appropriate Shattered Tracery, which can be exchanged for an Incomparable-quality Tracery in Gobeth Teithian, the Archive of Traceries:

Level Range Item
45-95  Shattered Khazad-dûm Tracery
86-105  Shattered Rohirrim Tracery
101-115  Shattered Gondorian Tracery
106-120  Shattered Ithilien Tracery
116-130  Shattered Ironfold Tracery
121-140  Shattered Morgul Tracery
131-150  Shattered Gundabad Tracery
141-160  Shattered Umbari Tracery

Quest Information

This item is a reward for the following quests: