Item:Steed of Thorin's Hall

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Steed of Thorin's Hall
  • Bind to Account on Acquire
  • Item Level: 1
  • Consumed On Use
  • Mount
  • Barring Skill: Steed of Thorin's Hall
  • Requires: Riding
  • "You can use this token to learn a skill to call this mount.
    Using this token will grant you the appropriate steed for your character and all associated war-steed appearance traits."

Item Information

Using this item grants the skill  Steed of Thorin's Hall

This item also grants the following appearance traits for War-steeds.
 Caparison of Thorin's Hall
 Halter of Thorin's Hall
 Leggings of Thorin's Hall
 Saddle of Thorin's Hall

Drop Information

This item can be found within a  Middle-earth Steed selection box.

See Also

You can gain the skill automatically by purchasing the following in the LOTRO Store:
