Item:Rhodalite Silver Stud of the Expedition's Vanguard

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Rhodalite Silver Stud of the Expedition's Vanguard
  • Bind On Acquire
  • Item Level: 330
  • Ear
  • +627 Might
    +760 Vitality
    +4888 Physical Mastery Rating
    +285 Fate
    +14 Light of Eärendil
  • Normal
  • Durability 60/60
  • Minimum Level 115
  • Worth: 28 Silver 95 Copper 

Barter Information

Barterer: High-enchanter

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade
 Rhodalite Silver Stud of the Expedition's Vanguard 330 Motes of Enchantment


This item can be disenchanted into 120 Motes of Enchantment.