Innate Strength: Intimidating Presence

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Innate Strength: Intimidating Presence
  • Set Bonus
  • Quick Attacks grant the buff 'Innate Strength: Intimidating Presence', increasing the Brawler's ability to generate threat.

    If a Quick Attack is performed while 'Innate Strength: Intimidating Presence' is still active, the buff is instead advanced to a higher tier, to a maximum of Tier 4.
  • Tier 1: +5% Threat Generated
    Tier 2: +10% Threat Generated
    Tier 3: +15% Threat Generated
    Tier 4: +20% Threat Generated
    You need 25 ranks earned in the whole tree.

Trait Information

Additional Information

The following 'Quick' Finisher skills tier up the  Innate Strength: Intimidating Presence effect on the Brawler, up to 4 stacks: