Improved Staff-strike

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Improved Staff-strike
  • 2.5m Range
  • Melee Skill
  • You raise your weapon to fell your enemy with a mighty blow, giving you a chance to stun it. When used on a flanked enemy, this ability does even greater damage.
  • ... Light Damage
  • Cost: ... Power
  • Apply to target on Critical and Devastating Critical:
  • 5s Stun
  • Cooldown: 3s


Level Power cost
1 9
2 11
3 13
4 15
5 16
6 19
7 20
8 22
9 24
10 26
11 27
12 29
13 31
14 33
15 35
16 36
17 39
18 40
19 42
20 44
21 46
22 48
23 49
24 52
25 53
26 55
27 57
28 59
29 61
30 62
31 64
32 66
33 68
34 69
35 72
36 73
37 75
38 77
39 79
40 81
41 82
42 84
43 86
44 88
45 90
46 92
47 94
48 95
49 97
50 99
51 101
52 103
53 104
54 107
55 108
56 110
57 112
58 114
59 115
60 117
61 120
62 121
63 123
64 124
65 127
66 131
67 135
68 140
69 145
70 150
71 153
72 160
73 164
74 169
75 174

General Information

This skill no longer exists in the game. This was removed and the Red Line [Sword and Storm] was all that remains to improve the Staff Strike skill.

Class: Formerly Lore-master

Level: Formerly 1

Training Price: Copper 

Trait: Master of the Staff


Using this skill and scoring a critical hit with it causes  Stunned to occur on an enemy target.


The Lore-master's Staff Legacy Staff-strike Damage increases the damage of this skills.

Wearing three pieces or more of the Light of the West set makes this skill not consume a  Flanked! effect.

Tactical Information

Improved Staff-strike is an even more powerful DPS skill than Staff Strike, dealing 25% more damage, having a 20% higher chance to hit critically, and hitting 50% harder on both critical and devastating hits. It deals even more damage when used in response to a flank event. On top of that, it causes a relatively long stun of five seconds if it hits critically or devastates (and the chance of that to occur is higher than that of other skills).

Improved Staff-strike always deals Light damage, regardless of the damage type of your staff.