Gauradan-slayer (Forochel)

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Deed Lore

At last you have come upon the homeland of the Gauredain -- and in seeing it, it becomes clear how they came to be such powerful brutes, shaped by the vicious elements and hardships of Forochel, it is hard to imagine them otherwise -- and yet the Lossoth still maintain the trappings of civilization under the same hardships. Have the Gauredain chosen their path in this fashion, or is their brutal path some long-ago contrivance of the Enemy?

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)

Defeat Gauradain in Forochel (100)
More so than the groups you have encountered elsewhere, the Gauredain of Forochel do battle with a deadly strength and confidence given perhaps by familiarity with the terrain of their homeland. These fights are bitter and brutal affairs with little room for finesse or quarter, which the Gauredain consider forms of base cowardice.


   5 LOTRO Points
   <name>, Repulser of Savages
   Increased Reputation with Lossoth of Forochel ( 500 )

Deed Chain Information

  1. Gauradan-slayer (Forochel)
  2. Gauradan-slayer (Advanced) (Forochel)

Additional Information

A good place to find Gauradan for this deed is:
- Barad Gaurhoth [12.0N, 82.8W]
  • There are 39 Gauradan at this location.
- Hylje-leiri [18.2N, 81.3W]
  • There are 21 Gauradan at this location.
  • NOTE: If you defeat all the Gauradan at this location the flag will turn blue, and Gauradan will no longer spawn here.