Exploring Mordor Besieged
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Deed Lore
- As Gultháva's enchantment fades, Isildur comes to remember the events at the close of the Second Age, when Mordor was besieged (0/15).
To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)
- Learn of Ram Raedas
- 'It was Ram Raedas, the Ensnaring Wall. We built that fortification athwart the Neck of Iron to keep enemies from crossing through from Udûn and attacking the Great Alliance from the rear.' - Isildur
- Learn of Díngarth
- 'Díngarth was the most secure location of the Free Peoples, built at the beginning of the siege and repeatedly assailed and rebuilt over the ensuing years. Near the end it was mostly emptied, kept as a last redoubt in the event that the forward forces of the Alliance were overwhelmed and forced to retreat. My sons greatly enjoyed making life difficult for Ontamo, the master of the fortifications at Díngarth, despite my chiding of them for it.' - Isildur
- Learn of Echad-in-Edhil
- 'Echad-in-Edhil was the forward encampment of the Elves, and it was where Gil-galad and his household dwelt for much of the siege. From this camp, the High Elves of the Bright Company undertook many dangerous excursions on the plains before Barad-dûr and against Sauron's servants.' - Isildur
- Learn of Adambel
- 'Adambel was the forward encampment of Men, from whence my father Elendil and my brother Anárion and I commanded our armies. It was the nearest to Barad-dûr we deemed it wise to set camp.' - Isildur
- Learn of Amon Fuin
- 'It was Amon Fuin, the Gloom-hill, the last remaining major fortification held by Sauron’s forces beyond the Dark Tower itself. The Mordorrim conducted sacrifices and other rituals behind the walls of that fortress, and many were the soldiers of the Great Alliance we lost to their deadly excursions.' - Isildur
- Learn of Dol Naeg
- 'Dol Naeg was the name of a rocky spur on the north slope of Amon Amarth. It is a place of great sadness for me, for that is where my father died. It is also where I obtained an artifact of Sauron that brought me only sorrow and grief. Would that I had never stood there!' - Isildur
- Learn of Halroth
- 'I know the tunnel of Halroth, but I never ventured inside. Glorfindel of the Bright Company knows of that place. Let him speak of it, if he will.' - Isildur
- Learn of Barad-dûr
- 'Barad-dûr, the tower of Sauron, was built not by his servants but by Númenórean hands. He has bent it to his evil, and it stood as a cruel mockery to my people. He remained within for the long years of the siege, content to outlast us, but it was not to be.' - Isildur
- Learn of Baur Kasak
- 'The wargs of Baur Kasak were feared by all the men under my command, for the beasts could move at incredible speed across the plains, seizing an unwary soldier with their powerful jaws and charging away in moments. Many of my soldiers insisted upon being accompanied on the plains by an Elf of Gil-galad's forces, for only their swift bows could dissuade the advance of such creatures.' - Isildur
- Learn of Mokh Shapat
- 'I am grieved to hear that the Orcs remain still in this world. They were a fearsome foe when we fought against Sauron, cruel and deadly, without an ounce of mercy. Many of my friends and soldiers perished in their encampments. The one called Mokh Shapat remained for years, despite our attempts to eradicate it.' - Isildur
- Learn of Mokh Darga
- 'Mokh Darga was a large encampment from which the Orcs launched many attacks upon Adambel. My father himself turned away several of these assaults, deeds which inspired not just the men under his command but also proved an inspiration to me and to my brother. Alas for Anárion!'
- Learn of Barthost
- 'Barthost, you say? I do not remember that name. Perhaps Gultháva's enchantment has not yet released me from its grip.' - Isildur
- Learn of Urshúlagar
- 'It was a camp of evil men, sworn to serve Sauron. I never set foot inside, but I know the forces of Sauron festered in their malice within its bounds, and set forth with hatred in their hearts, intending to defeat the Great Alliance.' - Isildur
- Learn of Matum Graz
- 'The shades and spirits of Matum Graz lingered alongside the dead that walk, and they nursed hatred for the living in their evil hearts. I do not wish to speak of them now.' - Isildur
- Learn of Angathrai
- 'Shades drifted within Angathrai, given cruel purpose by Mordorrim cultists and the will of Sauron. Let us not speak of them.' - Isildur
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Additional Information
- This deed is available at level 120.
- This deed contributes to the Explorer of Imlad Morgul and Mordor Besieged meta-deed.
Coordinates | Directions / Description |
[96.5S, 131.7W] | Learn of Ram Raedas |
[97.5S, 131.4W] | Learn of Díngarth |
[96.2S, 127.7W] | Learn of Echad-in-Edhil |
[98.8S, 126.5W] | Learn of Adambel |
[93.5S, 123.8W] | Learn of Amon Fuin |
[97.1S, 118.7W] | Learn of Dol Naeg |
[92.6S, 116.7W] | Learn of Halroth |
[96.8S, 114.2W] | Learn of Barad-dûr |
[100.9S, 131.0W] | Learn of Baur Kasak |
[101.9S, 129.5W] | Learn of Mokh Shapat |
[95.6S, 124.0W] | Learn of Mokh Darga |
[95.1S, 119.9W] | Learn of Barthost |
[94.2S, 118.9W] | Learn of Urshúlagar |
[95.6S, 116.0W] | Learn of Matum Graz |
[95.4S, 114.2W] | Learn of Angathrai |