Coordinates |
Directions / Description
[20.1N, 57.5W] |
Southwest from Limlók on a cliff
[21.0N, 57.5W] |
On the north shore of a tributary stream of the Langflood, on a cliff
[20.1N, 59.5W] |
Northwest from Stramvárth
[21.0N, 60.6W] |
At Egvárth near Sundergrot
[21.1N, 62.7W] |
Southeast from Sundergrot (before crossing the bridge)
[24.1N, 58.9W] |
On a cliff southwest of the bridge Dunabrygg on a cliff
[25.2N, 58.9W] |
A bit west of the bridge Dunabrygg on a cliff overlooking a tributary stream of the Langflood
[25.2N, 60.0W] |
West of the bridge Dunabrygg on a cliff overlooking the Langflood
[30.4N, 58.7W] |
High atop Viethhol through the Anduin Hunters' den
[31.8N, 59.6W] |
On the east bank of the Langflood on a cliff overlooking the waterfall Reikfoss