Dwarf-surveys in the Wells of Langflood

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Deed Lore

Dwarves once combed the Wells of Langflood for mining opportunities, but the markers they left behind remain the only record of what they found. Whether these markers indicate promising new veins or once-hopeful mines now shuttered is unknown to you.

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)

Discover the Dwarf markers spread throughout the Wells of Langflood (10)


   5 LOTRO Points
  3 Northern Gúlmark
   <name>, Surveyor of the Langflood
   Increased Reputation with Protectors of Wilderland ( 700 )

Additional Information


Coordinates Directions / Description
[20.1N, 57.5W] Southwest from Limlók on a cliff
[21.0N, 57.5W] On the north shore of a tributary stream of the Langflood, on a cliff
[20.1N, 59.5W] Northwest from Stramvárth
[21.0N, 60.6W] At Egvárth near Sundergrot
[21.1N, 62.7W] Southeast from Sundergrot (before crossing the bridge)
[24.1N, 58.9W] On a cliff southwest of the bridge Dunabrygg on a cliff
[25.2N, 58.9W] A bit west of the bridge Dunabrygg on a cliff overlooking a tributary stream of the Langflood
[25.2N, 60.0W] West of the bridge Dunabrygg on a cliff overlooking the Langflood
[30.4N, 58.7W] High atop Viethhol through the Anduin Hunters' den
[31.8N, 59.6W] On the east bank of the Langflood on a cliff overlooking the waterfall Reikfoss