Drógar Bloodwhisker

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Drógar Bloodwhisker
Image of Drógar Bloodwhisker
Title Narfanghoth
Gender Female
Race Dwarf
Region Azanulbizar, T.A. 2799
Settlement Amdân, the Threshold
Map Ref [63.2N, 135.70W]


Drógar Bloodwhisker was queen of the Narfanghoth dwarves during the Sixth War of Dwarves and Orcs. She led the assault on Zirakazhâr [66.2N, 136.8W] with King Jegín and King Agni the Wild during the Battle of Azanulbizar. Drógar and her folk were the first of the Seven Houses to join the Reckoning-host of Thráin.

Quest Involvement