Contestant (Pie-eaters)

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Image of Contestant
Region Bree-land
Area The Horsefields
Interior Festival Grounds
Map Ref [24.5S, 51.4W]


Contestants are found by the Pie-eating table during Festivals, a contest that is honoured at the Festival Grounds, in Bree-land. They do not actively take part in the quest The Pie-eating Contest, so you don't have to worry.


"I'd much rather be eating pies than delivering 'em!"
"I should say! Bring on the good pies, good sir!"
"My cousin over there thinks she can beat me? I'll show her!"
"Ah, the simple pleasures of warm pies and good company."
"They say you can learn a lot about someone by their taste in pies...."
"I hope they have rhubarb. My favourite to be sure."
"My gammer baked some of these pies herself. I say that gives me a bit of an edge!"
"See that fellow across the table? That's me cousin. He bet me a new dress that I can't eat as much as him!"
"That big fellow looks like he could eat a few pies."
"These little ones won't be able to finish as many pies as me."
"You're looking at a three-time champion, friend!"
"I'm going to bring the title back for the Men of Bree-town!"