After the rollback the discussion ended :)
I moved RTC's comment from my user page to my talk page: now Liquid Thread
From geographical point of view Dunlending does not exist. Period. It is a folk, people, that controlled what is now 3 regions. Geographical regions.
Unless there will be quests that are indeed classified as "Dunlending" this category fills no purpose and its three sub-categories should be within Regional Quests.
I notice Quest Group: Rise of Isengard and that one is within Regional Quests. It should probably not be there as it is not a region but perhaps under Special or something. Regional denotes geography, we have other categories for other needs. Or am I wrong? :) Zimoon (talk) 16:47, 5 December 2011 (EST)
Dunlending is both the people and the region. Here is a Dunlending Map that I captured after the official release of Rise of Isengard, i.e., not in beta on Bullroarer.
Dunlending exists as a super-region, perhaps unlike anything we have seen previously in the game. RingTailCat (talk) 19:45, 5 December 2011 (EST)
Then the question would be if these arguments justifies us squashing our system and our conformity? Until we know better? Officially it is Eriador->Dunland->areas, Eriador->Gap of Rohan->..., Eriador->Nan Curunír->... . I guess maps does not tell either of really, Northern Barrow-downs does not become a region just because of its map, and Moria is an example of something really broken when it comes to its areas and sub-areas, etc. Cross-region deeds do not really force us to consider Dunlending something else than the expansion as such, or the regions a certain people governed (almost as a "land" then), or does it?
We had a long chat about this at IRC yesterday and consensus so far is that Turbine rewrote their initial plan and broke down Dunlending and made three regions. You are probably correct that Dunlending is some kind of super-region, or maybe it is a sub-land. But today it is neither when scanning the available material, it sits more as a term, a glue, than anything real. Such as where I live we speak of Scandinavia: geologically and geographically it is a peninsula, politically its is a cross-state cooperation --- sometimes just an acceptance ;) --- but none would tell it a "super-state/region", and even if we very often use the name, in whatever context, it is just a convenient name for some sorts of business.
I am not at war on this either, but as long as there is nothing real that justifies it sitting here we should let Dunland, Gap of Rohan, and Nan Curunír be the regions they are, and have their quest categories under Category:Regional Quests. I am fine with having Dunlending as some kind of container to bind the three together. Today the article describes a folk, which seems correct. Probably that article could be expanded with links to whatever reasonable. And the only reason is to keep things straight and only break conformity when it is truly asked for. Or?