Atanatar II

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These stats are for Tier 1,
click here for Tier 2.
Atanatar II
Level: 75 - 150
Instance: The Silent Street

Type: Nemesis
Genus: The Dead
Species: Shade

Morale: Varies
Power: Varies
Advanced Stats
Alignment: ( Evil )
Combat Effectiveness:
Finesse: Poor
F.M. Immune: False
Stun/Mez Imm.: True
Root Immune: True
Cry: Superior
Song: Superior
Tactical: Superior
Physical: Superior
Common: Incredible AncientDwarf: Incredible
Fire: Incredible Beleriand: Incredible
Light: Incredible Westernesse: Incredible
Shadow: Incredible Frost: Incredible
Lightning: Incredible

Level of Lore-master reporting: ( 95 )  

These stats are for Tier 2,
click here for Tier 1.
Atanatar II
Level: 75 - 150
Instance: The Silent Street

Type: Nemesis
Genus: The Dead
Species: Shade

Morale: Varies
Power: Varies
Advanced Stats
Alignment: ( Evil )
Combat Effectiveness:
Finesse: Fair
F.M. Immune: False
Stun/Mez Imm.: True
Root Immune: True
Cry: Remarkable
Song: Remarkable
Tactical: Remarkable
Physical: Remarkable
Common: Incredible AncientDwarf: Incredible
Fire: Incredible Beleriand: Incredible
Light: Incredible Westernesse: Incredible
Shadow: Incredible Frost: Incredible
Lightning: Incredible

Level of Lore-master reporting: ( 95 )  


Atanatar II can be found in the 6-man instance the Silent Street, beneath the tombs of the Kings and Stewards of Gondor. He is one of the two possible mini-bosses on the southern side of the instance, the other one being Tarannon Falastur. (Only one of these two will be present)


 Become As Stone - applied to player characters
 Grim Advance - applied to self, removable Corruption
 Permanent State Immunity - applied to self, non-removable
 Difficulty Tier II On Tier 2

Deed Involvement


  • To avoid having the Become As Stone debuff stacking too high, everyone should stand at east 5 meters apart from each other, if possible. This will also remove any danger of killing fellowship members when the debuff expires.
  • Otherwise, anyone who gets the debuff should immediately run away from the group until it expires.


"Come to mock me like the others?"
"Time erodes all."
"You betray yourself."
"I will not fail my people again!"