Quest:Seeds of Hope

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Seeds of Hope
Level 75
Type Solo
Starts with Dagoras
Starts at Nan Curunír
Start Region Nan Curunír
Map Ref [82.1S, 3.0W]
Ends with Quickbeam
Ends at Nan Curunír
End Region Nan Curunír
Map Ref [82.0S, 0.7E]
Quest Group Isengard: Nan Curunír
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'While I was scouting to the east of here, I thought I saw some kind of movement among the trees upon that slope, but I could find no figure moving about, nor any tracks to indicate what it might have been.

'I have a growing suspicion what it is though, and it may be much to our advantage. This may sound queer to you, but I suggest that you carefully gather up some of the seedlings trying to gain purchase in the devastated Vale and carry them with you up towards that ridge.

'And if I were you, I would handle them with the utmost care....'


Dagoras has hinted that there is a potentially powerful ally to be found in Nan Curunír, but he was unwilling to say much of it.

Objective 1

Seedlings can be found throughout the Vale of Nan Curunír.

Dagoras asked you to gather up the seedlings struggling to survive in the Vale of Nan Curunír.

Objective 2

The ally Dagoras mentioned might be up the ridge to the north-east from Dagoras' camp.

Dagoras asked you to bring the seedlings to Dagoras' mysterious ally.

Quickbeam: 'Farewell little Orc. You have chopped your last tree! Hoom! Hom...!
'One moment now, ta-rum. Perhaps I have been too hasty. You are not an Orc, are you, even if you do rather look like one?
'<race>, you say? Well, that is new then, and what do you have there? Why I know these little ones! I raised their mother, down in the Vale, hoom, before the Orcs came with their axes.
'You had best introduce yourself then, little <race>.'