Quest:The Mightiest Blow (Basic)
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Level | ... |
Type | Solo |
Repeatable | Yes |
Starts with | Gísli Strongclub |
Starts at | The Festival Arena |
Start Region | Thorin's Gate |
Map Ref | [13.8S, 103.3W] |
Quest Chain | Anniversary Event |
Quest Chain |
Anniversary Gifts Many of the citizens of Eriador are in a gift-giving mood. They request that you deliver a certain item to a person, and in turn, that person asks you to return the favour and give a gift to another person forming a circle of quests that leads you back to the first person. You can pick up the quest at any point and the quests are repeatable every few days.
Horse Races
Walkthrough & Notes |
Rewards |
Quest Text | |
Bestowal dialogue'Greetings! Are you here to participate in the glorious beer games? 'Take this mighty dwarf-club and prepare to swing it at your fellow competitors. 'There are different aspirations and requirements for contest BackgroundYou have been challenged to enter the glorious beer contest in Thorin's Hall, where the mighty compete for prizes and glory. Objective 1
The fight-arena is the lowered floorspace in the center of the arena, marked by green banners. The dwarf-club is in your inventory. Gísli Strongclub has given you an excellent weapon to use during the contest. You should enter the fight-arena below while wielding your mighty dwarf-club.
Objective 2
The fight-arena's bounds are in the centre of the ale-hall at Thorin's Hall, marked by green banners. You should wait for the fight to begin.
Objective 3
Show everyone that you are a mighty competitor, give the other participants a good whack and send them reeling! Some competitors may stop moving to take the glorious beer, knock them while you can!
Objective 4
Gísli Strongclub is in the arena at Thorin's Hall. You should speak with Gísli Strongclub to boast of your excellence in the glorious beer event.