Quest:The End of the Matter

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The End of the Matter
Level 10
Type Solo
Starts with Thain Paladin Took II
Starts at Great Smials
Start Region The Shire
Map Ref [33.6S, 71.3W]
Ends with Hyacinth Took
Ends at Tuckborough
End Region The Shire
Map Ref [33.5S, 70.9W]
Quest Group Shire
Quest Chain Lobelia's Fireworks
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Well, you did a fine job with those fireworks. The danger is past, it seems. You should go and tell Hyacinth what you've done, as I'm sure it will be a weight off her mind.

'I suppose you should also go back to Hobbiton and tell Lobelia as well, though I don't envy you that conversation! She has always been a harsh and abrasive hobbit.

'Well, good luck and good day to you.'


With Hyacinth's stolen fireworks destroyed, there are none left for Lobelia Sackville-Baggins' birthday party.

Objective 1

Hyacinth Took is at her home in Tuckborough near the Great Smials.

Paladin Took was grateful for your help destroying the stolen fireworks. He has tasked you with delivering the news to Hyacinth Took.

Thain Paladin Took II: 'You should tell Hyacinth what happened to the stolen fireworks.'
Hyacinth Took: 'That's some tale you tell! I wish I'd been there to see all those rockets go off at once!
'Truly, I was worried about what happened to those stolen fireworks, and I'm very grateful that you were able to destroy them before they could be misused. The fact that Lobelia's fireworks won't be ready for her party is just cream on the strawberries, if you take my meaning!
'Now that I'm sure Lobelia will be cancelling her order, I have some spare fireworks. Why don't you take them? I wish you the joy of firing them off!'