Quest:Sundergrót: The Intruders

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Sundergrót: The Intruders
Level 130
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Sundergrót
Start Region Wells of Langflood
Map Ref [21.6N, 63.0W]
Quest Chain Wells of Langflood: The Floodfells
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The old Dwarf-hold of Sundergrót lays in partial ruins next to the Floodfells. Its halls are now home to many goblins intruding upon the abandoned dwarf-structure. You should defeat those who intrude upon Sundergrót in order to best assist your companions Rúzat, Agátur, and Náth.


The old Dwarf-hold of Sundergrót lays in partial ruins next to the Floodfells. Its halls are now home to many goblins.

Objective 1

Sundergrót can be found in the Floodfells.

You should defeat foes in Sundergrót.