Quest:Salutation to Faire Days

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Saluation to Faire Days
Level ...
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Campanula Chubb
Starts at The Party Tree
Start Region The Shire
Map Ref [29.8S, 71.6W]
Quest Group Festival
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Welcome, my friend!

'If you are here for the Farmers Faire Festival, I would recommend you look around and participate in many of the fun activities around here. If you're not here for the Farmers Faire, maybe you should be!

'For those folks that participate in many of our activities, there might just be a reward in store for you, so get out there!'

Note: this quest cannot be cancelled.


Every year the Farmers Faire Festival takes place to celebrate the long days and bounty of the warm weather. Partake in the festivities to help spread the good-cheer!

(There are fifteen days worth of 'A Sunny Faire Day' and 'Fun at the Faire' participation quests. Plan accordingly!)

Objective 1

Every day there is something to do during the Farmers Faire Festival. Come and join everyone and participate in many Farmers Faire activities for five days!

Objective 2

Every day there is something to do during the Farmers Faire Festival. Come and join everyone and participate in many Farmers Faire activities for five days!

Objective 3

Every day there is something to do during the Farmers Faire Festival. Come and join everyone and participate in many Farmers Faire activities for five days!

Objective 4

Campanula Chubb can be found near the Party Tree in the Shire.

You should talk to Campanula Chubb.

Campanula Chubb: 'Goodness, you certainly have given it your all this year! Thanks to all your hard work, the festival went off without a hitch!
'I hope to see you next year, when I'll have a whole new set of gifts ready for you!'