Quest:Hold the Mine

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Hold the Mine
Faction Creep
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts at Grothum
Starts with Taskmaster Bárzqhosh
[13.4S, 12.7W]
Ends at Grothum
Ends with Taskmaster Bárzqhosh
[13.4S, 12.7W]
Money Reward 20 Silver 14 Copper 
Rank change Increased Infamy (80)
Commendations 125 Commendations
Repeatable Daily
Quest Chain Grothum
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'You pathetic worm. You look as though you've soured yourself in my presence and that gives me the urge to scourge the flesh from your back.

'You'll be useful to our army if you sacrifice yourself against the enemy. Stand within the Isendeep and repel the invaders as they cross into these halls. Survive and you might just earn a little favour.

'If you succeed, return to me. If you fail, and I feel the sting of arrows... know that I will find you one day and scourge your body to the bone.'


Taskmaster Bárzqhosh is preparing the defence of the Isendeep Mine against the Free Peoples.

Objective 1

Fight off invaders who meant to take the Isendeep mine.

You must fight the foe within the Isendeep mine and drive them out for the glory of Angmar.

Task-master Bárzqhosh: 'Leave my sight, cur! Do what I ask, or I'll lose my temper!'

Objective 2


If the mine is fallen or Taskmaster Bárzqhosh is fallen in the battle, make your way to Gramsfoot and speak with War-tyrant Akúlhun.

Your success is complete. Return to Taskmaster Bárzqhosh and tell him of your victory.

Task-master Bárzqhosh: 'Well done! I may have misjudged your resolve.
'I'll try to remember to look favourably upon you in the future. Don't expect that I shall!'
War-tyrant Akúlhun: 'Your efforts are noted, and the failures of others to hold their position is well-known to me. I recognize what you have done, <name>.
'Know this... letting superiors die will be punishable by whipping and reassignment to the brimstone-pits of Angmar. Remember well that you're nothing more than a maggot, and you'll live. Try to reach beyond those bounds, and I'll see you spend your life in the brimstone-pits.
'For now, I recognize your efforts and will honour you with thanks.'