Quest:Crafting: Barton Tyne Has Lost His Ring

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Crafting: Barton Tyne Has Lost His Ring
Level 15
Type Solo
Starts with Barton Tyne
Starts at The Midgewater Marshes
Start Region Bree-land
Map Ref [34.4S, 42.1W]
Quest Group Crafting
Profession Jeweller
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'You wouldn't happen to be a jeweller, would you? Or maybe you're friends with one? I'm in a real situation, you see, and I need someone to fashion a glittering copper ring for me...and soon!

'I had some business at The Forsaken Inn, helping unload some of the crates from a delivery of foodstuffs sent from Bree, and somewhere along the way, I lost my wedding ring. My wedding ring! My wife is going to be furious!

'If Verity sees that I don't have it, well, I don't even want to think about that! That's why I need the services of a jeweller -- I need a glittering copper ring, and fast! I can't go back to Bree without one! I have any number of useful things to offer, if you'll just help me!'


Barton Tyne has lost the glittering copper ring given to him by his wife Verity, and he is beside himself with worry about what she will do when she finds out he lost it.

Objective 1

Barton Tyne is on the road between the town of Bree and The Forsaken Inn.

Barton Tyne has told you that he lost his wedding ring, and he is looking for the services of a jeweller to make a glittering copper ring to replace it. His wife Verity is sure to be furious if he returns without it.

Barton Tyne: 'I really need a jeweller to make me a glittering copper ring, <name>! My wife Verity is going to kill me if I don't have my wedding ring when I get home to Bree!'
Collected glittering copper ring
Barton Tyne: 'This glittering copper ring looks just my lost wedding ring, <name>! Verity will never know the difference.
'You've really helped me out, my friend. Here, let me give you these coins and other odds and ends along with my thanks!'