Quest:Caught in the Middle

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Caught in the Middle
Level 139
Type Solo
Starts with Hórin
Starts at Welkin-lofts
Start Region Welkin-lofts
End Region Welkin-lofts
Quest Group Gundabad: Welkin-lofts
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Some of the ice-giants did not make it inside before the battle began, and are now trapped between the Orcs and the hobgoblins. We should come to their rescue, and earn their favour!'


Some of the ice-giants did not make it inside before the battle in Thyrstáth. They may be grateful if you come to their rescue.

Objective 1

  • Rescue harassed ice-giants (0/6)

Several ice-giants have been caught between the battle between the Orcs and hobgoblins.

You should rescue harassed ice-giants in Thyrstáth.

Rescued harassed ice-giants (6/6)

Objective 2

Use the summoning horn to call Hórin to your side.

You should talk to Hórin.

Hórin: 'I think we may have made a good first impression! If at least one of those giants informs their leader that we helped them, that may prove sufficient for him to grant us an audience.'