Quest:Break the Arrows, Burn the Bows

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Break the Arrows, Burn the Bows
Level 25
Type Solo
Starts with Maedhril
Starts at Sírlond
Start Region Cardolan
Map Ref [45.2S, 39.5W]
Quest Group Cardolan
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'The Orc-scouts that prowl throughout Caranost carry bows with which they have proven quite deadly. Defeat these scouts and gather up their bows. Then climb to the tower from which you could spy on Sírlond, and burn the bows in the fire the Orcs built.

'I will watch for the smoke of the burning, and so I will know when the Orcs have received the message. What message? Simply this, my helpful messenger: that their archers will not be allowed to strike us from afar.'


Maedhril has a plan to deal with the Orc-archers, and it involves both your help and a very large fire.

Objective 1

  • Collect Orc-bows from Caranost scouts (0/5)

Maedhril asked you to defeat Caranost scouts and retrieve their bows.

Objective 2

  • Burn the Orc-bows in the bonfire atop the tower overlooking the bridge at Caranost

The tower overlooking the bridge at Caranost holds a large bonfire at which Maedhril wanted you to burn the Orc-bows.

Before long, a pillar of smoke rises skyward; the Orc-bows are no more

Objective 3

Maedhril is at Sírlond, east of Caranost proper.

Maedhril: 'I saw the smoke, <name>. Let that be a message to them.
'You have my thanks, and those of my husband as well. We have been here for several days, but this is the first that I feel we may be turning the tide against the Orcs that dwell in Caranost.'