Khirgi's Loyal

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Khirgi's Loyal
Level: 112 - 113
Region: The Plateau of Gorgoroth
Area: Talath Úrui

Type: Signature
Genus: Man
Species: Easterling

Morale: 31,200 - 31,440
Power: 2,898 - 2,994
Advanced Stats
Alignment: ( )
Combat Effectiveness:
Finesse: Unknown
F.M. Immune: Unknown
Stun/Mez Imm.: Unknown
Root Immune: Unknown
Cry: Unknown
Song: Unknown
Tactical: Unknown
Physical: Unknown
Common: Unknown AncientDwarf: Unknown
Fire: Unknown Beleriand: Unknown
Light: Unknown Westernesse: Unknown
Shadow: Unknown Frost: Unknown
Lightning: Unknown

Level of Lore-master reporting: ( )  


Khirgi's Loyal dwell at Fushaum Bal North in Talath Úrui, on the Plateau of Gorgoroth. [55.2S, 12.8E]

Coordinates Directions / Description
[55.2S, 12.3E] Patrolling around a small building.
[55.1S, 12.9E] Patrolling around the torture platform.
[54.7S, 13.3E] Two of them guard the slope up to Khirgi's headquarters.
[54.6S, 13.5E] Near where Khirgi stands.

Quest Involvement


Like other inhabitants of Fushaum Bal, these Easterlings will threaten and give enemies a chance to back off before attacking.


Decreased Reputation with Enmity of Fushaum Bal north ( 12 )
Increased Reputation with Enmity of Fushaum Bal south ( 12 )