Guard (Archet)

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Image of Guard
Gender Male
Race Man
Region Bree-land
Area Archet Dale


Guards are found within Archet and inside Hunting Lodge. These guards are separate from those with the "Free Peoples" title.


Before the Assault

"Wish I knew what Peg's been feeding us. I think it's meat, but i ain't seen no cow butchered in weeks."
"I'd bet the Blackwolds will move against us soon. Mark my words...when they do, we'll be ready."
"Move along, friend, and don't stir any trouble."
"Watch yourself, stranger. We don't take kindly to roustabouts."

After the Assault

"Where did all those brigands come from, and where did they get all their equipment?"
"I don't know what happened...all of a sudden they were everywhere."
"Foul brigands stole, killed, or burned everything they could get their hands on."
"Have you seen Richard? No one's seen him since the attack. If you find his bod...if you find him, let us know."