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The orc Zogmauk is an associate of Glúrkub and Shúkurz and a resident of Durshulot during the War of Three Peaks. Despite tensions with Glúrkub, he does want to leave Gundabad behind. He was later imprisoned in Vatug-ronk for his plans to desert.

Zogmauk (Gundabad)

Zogmauk (Gundabad)
Image of Zogmauk (Gundabad)
Gender Male
Race Orc-kind
Region Gundabad
Area Deepscrave
Interior Hideout
Map Ref [47.4S, 117.6W]

After completing the Deepscrave quest chain, he can be found in the Hideout.

Quest Involvement

Zogmauk (The Shield Isles)

Zogmauk (The Shield Isles)
Image of Zogmauk (The Shield Isles)
Gender Male
Race Orc-kind
Region The Shield Isles
Area Jeb Khâtel
Settlement Kafagur
Map Ref [0.2N, 134.7W]

After getting safely out of Gundabad, Zogmauk and his companions Shulgolb, Lumbag, Muzmák, and Shúkurz sought refugee at Kafagur in Jeb Khâtel of The Shield Isles.