Yrsa Spearwife

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Yrsa Spearwife is a Beorning of Limlók. She is married to Runerik Knotbeard, head of the village, and mother to Thyra, Sighild, Trygvar, and little Vídar.

Yrsa (Wells of Langflood)

Yrsa Spearwife
Image of Yrsa Spearwife
Gender Female
Race Beorning
Region Wells of Langflood
Settlement Limlók
Map Ref [20.8N, 55.8W]

Yrsa Spearwife lives in the village of Limlók in the Wells of Langflood with her family.

Quest Involvement

Yrsa (Elderslade)

Yrsa Spearwife
Image of Yrsa Spearwife
Gender Female
Race Beorning
Region The War of Three Peaks
Settlement Shakal-atrâd (Wartime)
Map Ref [99.3S, 16.4W]

Yrsa Spearwife travels to the Elderslade to assist the dwarves of the Gabil'akkâ with her daughters and several others of their kin during the War of Three Peaks.

Quest Involvement