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Ecronond standing tall and proud!
World: Brandywine
Vocation: Woodsman
Class: Hunter
Race: Man
Region: Rohan
Age: ca. 29
Height: 1.90 m (Approx. 6'2")
Sex: Male
Skin: Fair, scarred
Hair: Auburn
Eye: Blue


Main Epic: The Story So Far...

Born in the vast plains of Rohan, Ecronond flourished alongside his two brothers. He was trained—by his father, Ondoras—to be a huntsman of the wilderness, providing the family with food to eat. As the years passed on, the sense of dread growing in the world, Ecronond bid farewell to his native land in search of a new life in Eriador. He heard of the bountiful region of Bree-Land and that is where his journey would end... or so he thought.
Whilst trekking through the thick forest of Chetwood, Ecronond stumbled upon a group of brigands. They pummeled him to an unconscious state, stripping him of all belongings. Awaking but a few hours later, he appeared to be imprisoned in some camp. Aided by a stranger, only to be known as Strider, the two broke free of the camp and escaped to the remote village of Archet. Strider's accomplice seemed to have been struck whilst making the grand escape of the brigand encampment, for he appeared very pale and weak. As the ranger prepared a salve for the other, known as Amdir, Ecronond learned of a growing threat in the East. A murderous group of brigands, only known as the Blackwolds had plans to rain terror upon the small town of Archet, with help from Angmar! All would have been lost if not for Ecronond, aided by Jon Brackenbrook and his brothers, Feodhelm and Erindras. The Assault of Archet lasted through the smokey night and Amdir disappeared within the chaos. Alas, the burning fires soon faded, and the town began to rebuild once more.
Known now as the 'Hero of Archet,' Ecronond is tasked with searching for the man with the likeness of Amdir, who visited Archet not too long after. Jon Brackenbrook suggested that he tried the Inn at Combe, the nearest settlement to Archet. There, he met another ranger, known as Toradan. With knowledge from the Blackwolds, the hunt for Amdir led to the brigand hideout of Skunkwood. Ecronond, with help from Ellie Cutleaf, was able to infiltrate the cave, undercover as one of their own. Deep inside the dark cavern, Amdir Amdir is being held, a prisoner in the Blackwold's embraces. But something is not quite right... His skin and body... He was mutating into a wraith! Blackness struck Ecronond as he fell unconscious by an unknown force, for who knows how long. The last thing he remembered of that instance, was Toradan coughing up blood from a brutal wound in his chest. He muttered his final words. "Amdir is...beyond saving now. You must kindred...." He collapsed and perished, right then and there.
Ecronond soon sent off to Staddle and onto the Midgewater Marshes in search of Mundol. When he entered the Mustering Cave, Ecronond found he was too late to help Mundol. Amdir had already come and mortally wounded him. The dying ranger tasked Ecronond to find Reniolind in the Marshwater Fort, as it was a much safer path to follow to Bree. They were wrong. Amdir had already found them and shoved his blade clean through Reniolind. That made three rangers... Amdir escaped once again from his grasp with the distraction of the giant Spider-Queen Morin he called forth. It only took but a few arrows from his quiver to take down the evil beast. The feeble ranger lay twitching on the ground with a crumpled note in his hand. It read: "If you are reading this, then it's too late for me. Amdir has already slain me and possibly my brethren. You, 'Hero of Archet,' need to find my chieftain, Strider, in Bree. He has a room residing at the Prancing Pony. He'll know what to do."
Upon arriving at the Prancing Pony in Bree, Ecronond met with Strider again to discuss the current situation of Amdir and the rest of the rangers. Him, Torthann, and Lenglinn have scouted out Ost Baranor and discovered it to be another Blackwold encampment. Not only that, but they had found a dwarf turned evil—known as Skorgrim. He is associated with Amdir's fate as well as Angmar's aid to the brigands' revolt. Ecronond and the trio ventured their way back into the ruins where they were finally able to confront Amdir. But, alas, it was too late! He had already completed his transformation into a blood-red Cargûl! They had no choice but to defeat him once and for all.