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New to Wiki editing!

I'm starting a new playthrough soon on a Stout-axe Brawler, will also use it as an opportunity to review and revise on low-level quest entries!

Current Project

I'm currently working on proof-reading all low-level quests, at least up to level 20.

This will be a pretty huge undertaking as I'll be confirming all the pertinent details, such as:

  1. Spelling matches game text
  2. Categories, Quest Chains, Quest Groups match game data
  3. Rewards and Prerequisites match game data
  4. Filling in some walkthroughs for quests which are missing them
  5. Marking obsolete quests
Level Completion Notes
Level 1 60/75
Level 2 20/36
Level 3 6/8
Level 4 13/15
Level 5 59/73
Level 6 42/47
Level 7 34/37
Level 8 29/35
Level 9 55/58
Level 10 77/112
Level 11 24/26
Level 12 47/55
Level 13 7/12
Level 14 38/42
Level 15 56/78 Discussion re: Renaming Epic Quest Chains/Group
Level 16 15/27 Discussion re: Renaming Epic Quest Chains/Group
Level 17 13/19
Level 18 21/26 Discussion re: Renaming Epic Quest Chains/Group
Level 19 13/17 Discussion re: Renaming Epic Quest Chains/Group
Level 20 0/134 Waiting on LC data sync for Yondershire

Side Project

I've noticed that the above list may not be complete, in the sense that certain tasks (starting from level 6) do not show up in the list of Quests by Level. I'll now be working on reworking those tasks as I get to them.

  • Gondamon -- Done
  • Hobbiton -- Done

Quest Page Style Guide

What should I look out for when checking a Quest page?

Right-side info box

  1. Is the level correct?
  2. Is the type (Solo/Small fellowship/Session Play) correct?
  3. Is the starts with text correct?
    • For items, is there an icon?
    • For generic NPCs, does it say "Any"?
  4. Is the starts at text correct?
    • Is it the most detailed in-game location?
    • If it's interior, is the wiki page for that location an interior location?
  5. Is the Start Region correct?
    • As detailed of a map as possible
  6. Ending Information
    • As much as possible, leave this blank when it is the same as the starter
    • We'll need it though if we want end coords
  7. Quest Group
    • Is this the in-game recognized quest group?
  8. Quest Chain
    • Is there a quest chain at all?
  9. Race/Profession
    • Are there actual restrictions based on race/profession?

Quest Chain Box

  • Is there a quest chain box at all? Should there be?
  • If transcluded, make sure that the formatting for the list items is correct
    • * for order-agnostic chains or pseudo-chains
    • # for ordered chains
  • Prerequisite text is properly formatted
   * ''Prerequisites: completed "[[Quest:Quest Name|Quest Name]]"''
   * ''Prerequisites: completed the quest-chain "[[:Category:Questchain-name Quests|Questchain-name]]"''
   * ''Prerequisite for ...''
   or maybe
   * ''The quest "Some Quest Name" is prerequisite for ...''
   * ''The quest "Another Quest Name" is prerequisite for ...''

Walkthrough Box

  • General logic/spelling check.
  • Standardize notation across the quest chain whenever applicable.


  • Matches in-game
  • All rewards prefixed with *
  • All items/titles have icons

Quest Text

  • General logic/spelling check.
U Lotro-Wiki User since:

  March 13, 2022.
N Lotro-Wiki Ninja since:

  March 13, 2022.
E Lotro-Wiki Editor since:

  April 11, 2022.