I usually team up with a Burglar Tenric. Our tactics are either sneak and strike or pull, we are very careful players. I always have a pet out, typically the lynx and know how to manipulate the pet bar. She is always set to passive and only attacks when I send her out.
Catching up on Book quests
Leveling up
Lilliwynn in Combe at 5th level with Nevermore (raven)
Lilliwynn in the Lone-lands at 15th level with Grizz (bear)
Lilliwynn in the Lone-lands at 30th level with Grizz (bear)
Lilliwynn with black bear Grizz
Lilliwynn spent a large portion of her childhood reading old texts and looking over maps in the family library. Her parents were both learned people of Bree and she wanted nothing more than to follow in their footsteps. She grew up in the small town of Archet where her parents settled down after their adventuring days. To Lilliwynn Archet was a dull place to live and she begged for stories about far away lands. As she grew older her thirst for knowledge and adventure set her off to Bree, where she would find a teacher who could teach her more about the path she wanted to take. That is where Lilliwynn's true tale begins.
Entered Moria and Qusting
Reaching Kindred with Rivendell
Traveling to Rivendell at level 29.
The Undying Title
Friends, Companions and Enemies
Tenric Fencerunner
Nevermore - her all but wise raven
Grizz - her brave and faithful bear
Spots - her sleek and sneaky lynx
FrigidKitty - her handsome and brave sabretooth
Twigs - Bog-guardian
DancingLite - Trusty ball of Nature
All who would oppose the light and attack the good peoples of middle-earth
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