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Melwae - Level 44 Minstrel
Physical Description:
Melwae is short and slight, an altogether unhelpful build as an adventurer. She has blue eyes, a pale complexion, and a mess of dark hair which is usually kept in a bun to keep it out of the way. Her face is free of scars, but her hands are rough and calloused from the hurried strumming of her harp. She wears dresses into battle for no discernible reason, and has a tendency towards darker clothing, especially blacks and blues.
Overall, her appearance is rather unremarkable, and she is not striking or immediately noticeable. In fact, she has an uncanny ability to fade into the background, which has helped her many a time in the raiding of brigand camps.
Personality Description:
Melwae is thoroughly unimpressed with her lot in life, and it is visible in her mood. While not unkind, Melwae is known to be short-tempered and can be pushed over the edge by fatigue or hunger. Given the choice, she'd much rather stay at home with a good book than be out fighting goblins and Dourhands, but once caught up in something she sees it as her duty, however horrible, to finish it.
Her sense of humor tends to be dry, which has been known to cause confusion in those who don't know her well. In fact, Melwae loves everyone, but finds it difficult to express herself, falling back on jokes and pretend arguments.
Melwae does not like to kill, but if forced she has no qualms about defending herself. She has a terrible fear of spiders, and avoids them whenever possible.
Melwae was born in Dale on the third of June, in the year 3000. Her parents were Tondhere and Anna, a farmer and a washerwoman from a little noticed but long line of farmers south of Dale. She was the second of seven children, one of whom died from fever at the age of two. For many years she lived a very average life, and undoubtedly would have continued to do so were it not for the appearance of Ismira, an elf from Lorien.
Ismira had been imprisoned in a camp of orcs to the east of Dale, where she was starved and held captive for some unknown purpose. On a day that had promised to be unremarkable, when Melwae and her eldest brother Torhir were out clearing rocks from her father's field, Melwae dropped a rock over a small cliff and accidentally killed the orc leader, sending the camp into confusion. As the other orcs attempted to fight their way to the head of command, Ismira escaped and dragged herself to the edge of Dale, where she was found by Anna and taken in to be nursed back to health.
As she was recovering, Ismira told Melwae of forests and valleys, mines and fearsome monsters, of glorious battles and the peaceful air of Rivendell and Lorien. It all sounded wonderful and exciting to Melwae, who hardly knew anything about the land outside of her home, and she desperately wanted to accompany Ismira back to Lorien. Ismira accepted, and much to her parents dismay, Melwae was off on an adventure.
A week in to the journey, Ismira accidentally led them off a cliff and into a cave full of trolls, and Melwae quickly discovered that adventures are painful and messy and she'd much rather just have a quiet day at home. As one thing led to another, Melwae reluctantly accepted the fact that she was fated to save rather a lot of people in Middle Earth entirely by accident.
Slowly, Melwae built up a respectable amount of money and purchased a house in Falathlorn, in a desperate bid at the peace and quiet she had wanted for so long. Some days she can be found there, while others she is forced to rescue small children from animals and elvish princes from evil dwarves. She is currently fighting alongside, and sometimes with, the noble kin Captains of the West, which is full of a lot of incredibly strange and unusual folk. And Ismira still pops in on occasion to drag her off on another wild adventure. Or possibly off a cliff.
Friends and Enemies
Ismira, her elvish friend through thick and thin. Easily lost.
The members of the kin Captains of the West, "talkshow of Middle Earth."
Also Ismira.