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Assorted graphics information intended to become "Help: Graphics" someday
- Help: Images - main help page on graphics
Image Gallery
For the extended syntax see Wikipedia: Help:Gallery_tag and Help:Images and other uploaded files for full list of parameters):
<gallery caption="Sample gallery" widths="180px" heights="120px" perrow="3"> File:Wiki.png|Caption text. [...] </gallery>
- Note: The dotted line box above is created by </pre> ... </pre> . Note that text in the box does not wrap.
- Captions are optional.
- The
prefix is optional. - Notice that there are no brackets except for links within captions.
- A common mistake is to forget the closing gallery tag.
- The default width and height are 120px.
- If
is omitted, the width is fluid: one row comprises as many images as will fit across the available width; this is now the recommended default. Prior to MediaWiki 1.17, the default was 4.
Named Color Chart
- Lotro-wiki Standard colors are defined in MediaWiki:Common.css and MediaWiki:Common.js
- WikiTable
- Background: transparent/Lettering: Black/Good Link: Blue/Bogus Link: Red
- Dark Table:
- Background: White/Lettering: Black/Good Link: Blue/Bogus Link: Red
A chart of all major browser supported named colors is found here: Help:Editing#Named_Color_Chart.
- Favorite references
- The web safe color palette contains 216 colors. Back when most computers only had 8-bit video cards, they could only view 256 colors. Out of those 256 colors, 40 of them looked different between Macs and PCs. The reason that the web safe color palette only has 216 colors is because of those 40 colors. Limiting the palette to 216 ensures that both Macs and PCs display all colors the same.
The names in this table can be used in all major browsers instead of the hex code or #rgb(r, g, b) notations to more easily document your color use.
NOTE: {{Color|red|example}} and {{TextColor|Text|orange}} have the ''COLOR'' arguments reversed!
Colors used to indicate Quality Colors used to indicate Level
(Relative to yourself)Grey 9 or more levels below Green 6-8 levels below Turquoise 3-5 levels below Blue 1-2 levels below White Same level as yourself Yellow 1 level above Orange 2-4 levels above Red 5-7 levels above Purple 8 levels above
* Lotro-Wiki Standard Colors as used in tables MediaWiki:Common.css name Color Name /
Hex ValueColor Table Name (.css) Table name: stocktable (default) and altRows table.altRowsMed th
table.stocktable th#BBBBFF Header table.altRowsMed tr.even #EEEEFF altRows table.altRows tr.odd white altRows #E4D8FF un-named color Table name: altRowsMP table.altRowsMP th Orange altRowsMP table.altRowsMP a:link lightgreen a:link table.altRowsMP a:visited limegreen a:visited table.altRowsMP a:hover cyan a:hover Table name: mptable MP
table.mptable tdmoccasin mptable ?MP? #cabba2 ???? #000099 div.itemtooltip li.darkorchid darkorchid #9932CC div.itemtooltip li.darkorchid div.itemtooltip li.setbonus #999 div.itemtooltip li.setbonus test box2 #999999 test box3 #090909
* Colors I'm always using: My Color Chart Classic browser safe colors Color Name Hex Value Color NavajoWhite #FFDEAD Red #FF0000 Lime #00FF00 Blue #0000FF Yellow #FFFF00 Cyan (Aqua) #00FFFF Magenta (Fuchsia) #FF00FF Silver #COCOCO Grey #808080 Green #008000 Purple #800080 Teal #008080 Color Name Hex Value Color Gold #FFD700 Orange #FFDEAD Pink #FFDEAD SkyBlue #87CEEB SlateBlue #6A5ACD SlateGray #708090
Colors used in the wiki
- Colors used in Skill template and Tooltips
#CC9 #BB9 DarkKhaki (#BDB76B) Moccasin Beige BurlyWood (#DEB887) Tan (#D2B48C) Assorted Logos
- Images/Icons/Game Icons/
- Images/Icons/Site Images
- Category: Site Images
- New Logos
LOTRO Point-icon.png
Logo Standing-Stone-Games.png
Logo Daybreak Logo White48 ex.png
Logo saul-zaentz.png
- Parental Guidance Logos
File:Logo lotro esrb 2013 162x83.gif
Logo usk.png
Logo pegi.png