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Trophy Items By Level
  • "When you have stuff in your bags that you're trying to deal with."

ImperfectMitten's 'Task Item By Level' tables. Collecting Task Items and the reps they are turned in for. 'NRTA' means 'no rep task available;' this item can be turned in for a task that does not award reputation gain with any faction.
The levels in the columns, ie 'MS 10', refer to the level that a character needs to be in order to pick up and turn in the quest for that item. In the event that there are multiple quests for a single item/rep combo with different available levels, here I am only tracking the lowest level that any quest is available.
In the long run, I'll be working towards populating this page with the rest of the Task Items; if for no other reason than my own use. This is how the information gets sorted in my head anyway; may as well externalize the storage of it, amirite? Task Board info isn't stored here, as I do all my turn ins at my neighborhood boards.

Anyone else is free to bookmark this page and refer to it, if it helps you. If additional columns ever appear containing notes like 'just vendor,' that is intended only as a note for myself and should not be taken as advice for others on how to manage their Task Items.

Item Level 8
Item Name TH MS NRTA did i fix the problems i caused
 Bent Claw - MS 10 - 2023 03 26 fixed
 Broken Dagger TH 10 MS 11 nrta 2023 03 26 fixed
 Broken Sword Sheath TH 10 MS 11 nrta 2023 03 26 fixed
 Dirty Ear - MS 11 nrta 2023 03 26 fixed
 Dirty Filth TH 12 MS 8 - 2023 03 26 fixed
 Dirty Wing TH 8 MS 10 - 2023 03 26 fixed
 Light Carapace TH 11 MS 9 nrta 2023 03 26 fixed
 Matted Feather TH 9 - - 2023 03 26 fixed
 Matted Fur TH 9 MS 8 nrta 2023 03 26 fixed
 Matted Skin TH 10 MS 9 - start here
 Squishy Goo TH 12 MS 12 nrta
 Small Wing - - nrta
 Torn Fur - - nrta

should be all

Item Level 13
Item Name MB DC NRTA notes
 Blackened Filth MB 14 - -
 Blunt Branch - - nrta
 Broken Hatchet MB 14 DC 17 nrta
 Mossy Carapace MB 15 - - do mobs, fix odd mob wording
 Wet Fur MB 14 - -
 Wet Skin MB 15 - - do mobs
 Worn Sword Sheath MB 15 - - do mobs

may be all

Item Level 18
Item Name MB EG DC NRTA notes
 Blackened Carapace MB 18 - - - note
 Blackened Fur 16 20 20 - note
 Blackened Skin 17 21 - - note
 Blackened Sword Sheath 17 21 - - note
 Broken Wooden Mace 16 20 - - note
 Bulbous Goo 20 - - - note
 Cracked Beak - 21 - - note
 Dusky Ear - - 20 - note
 Dusky Wing 18 20 - - note
 Glistening Essence 20 - - - note
 Glistening Filth 19 - - - note
 Jagged Claw 18 - - - note
 Pitted Finger Bone 19 - - - note

should be all?

Item Level 24
Item Name MB TH Eg DC RE Riv NRTA notes
 Broken Wood Spear -- 26 24 -- 23 24 -- note
 Coarse Fur 20 26 22 -- 23 -- -- note
 Coarse Skin 21 27 23 -- 24 25 -- note
 Dim Dust -- -- -- 25 25 -- -- note
 Flawed Ear 22 -- 24 -- 27 -- -- note
 Flawed Goo -- -- 25 -- 25 25 -- note
 Glossy Essence -- -- 27 26 25 -- -- note
 Jagged Beak -- 28 -- 23 -- 21 -- note
 Large Filth -- -- 22 -- 23 24 -- note
 Large Finger Bone -- -- 27 26 -- -- -- note
 Large Wing 20 26 22 -- 26 -- -- note
 Ruffled Feather -- 28 25 -- 27 -- -- note
 Sharp Claw -- -- -- -- -- 24 -- note
 Tough Branch -- -- 28 -- -- -- -- note
 Tough Carapace -- -- 23 25 24 -- -- note
 Tough Sword Sheath 23 27 24 24 24 25 -- note

should be all

Item Level 30
Item Name MS Eg RE WA NRTA notes
 Broken Short Bow 28 29 28 31 -- note
 Bumpy Scale -- -- 29 -- -- note
 Crooked Branch -- 29 -- -- -- note
 Decrepit Finger Bone -- 29 -- -- -- note
 Heavy Carapace 29 28 -- 33 -- note
 Heavy Sword Sheath 30 30 30 32 -- note
 Jellied Goo 30 -- -- -- -- note
 Leathery Fur 30 -- 28 33 -- note
 Muted Dust -- -- -- 34 -- note
 Scarred Ear 30 -- 28 32 -- note
 Scarred Tail -- 30 -- -- -- note
 Shimmering Essence -- 30 -- -- -- note
 Soft Skin 29 -- 29 33 -- note
 Sticky Filth 30 -- 29 33 -- note
 Very Sharp Claw 28 -- -- 31 -- note

Item Level blank table
Item Name - - NRTA notes
Item:! - - - note