This article is a Player character biography page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Lotro history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Gothlin | |
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World: | Imladris |
Vocation: | Yeoman |
Class: | Hunter |
Race: | Elf |
Region: | Mirkwood |
Age: | |
Height: | 6'1 |
Sex: | Male |
Skin: | Fair |
Hair: | Dark Blonde |
Eye: | Bright Green |
Physical Description: Gothlin is tall especially for his age, and has well groomed straight near-shoulder length blondish hair. His eyes seem to always display a certain interest in the world around him, and shine bright green. Although he is tall, he has a scrawney body which he tries to disuade others from focusing on.
Personality Description: He is usually lighthearted, and when he is happy, he seems to love everyone around him. He is also a jokester, and mischeivous but all in all a good elf. He very much appreciates nature, and the beauty of his world, and hates the thought of ever having to leave. When he is sad, or upset, he becomes very solemn, and quiet. He weeps for fallen elves, even if he doesn't know them. If someone insults his race or harms his fellow elves, he will become angry with them.
He left his home in Mirkwood seeking a better life, and a more adventurous one. He hopes one day to live in Rivendell. He is very young, and has a bright outlook on life, however he is susceptible to falling into despair easily. He despises the dwindling numbers of elven villages and dreads the day when they will leave middle earth.
He deeply admires Elrond, and his level of wisdom though he will not tell him this. He also looks up to Legolas, prince of his homeland. He can usually be found in Celondim sleeping under the stars. He can also be found traveling between Thorin and Bree, and stopping by to entertain hobbits.
Gothlin's Journal
Entry 1: Today I have Left home to travel to Ered Luin. I hope to train with the best, and become both worthy, and useful to my race. I will not miss this place, but I will miss my friends. It is with a heavy heart that I set out on my journey.
Entry 6: The loss of my master is regretable, but we must move on, I will seek refuge in these parts and continue my studies in Lothlorien instead
Entry 9:
Our plan to stop the Dourhands has failed, but we made it out alive.
Entry 12: Today I have started working in my vocation. I have grown simple crops, made a cloak, and baked some elven biscuits. I am well on my way to being a Yeoman. I recieved a letter from my brother in Rivendell. It is good to know that he is doing well, and that he is thinking of me. I wonder how mother is doing back in Mirkwood.
Entry 14: I have learned that the missing Elf prince was captured by Dwarves. Can we trust them? Dwarves appear to value things over the wellness of living beings. But I've seen goodness in them too. The longbeards have aided my people on more than a few occasions. I think back to Dwalin and Grimsong, and the help they gave us at the tomb.
Entry 15: I have learned the Longbeards are not responsible for the capture. To avoid this from falling into the wrong hands I will not detail what I will soon take part in.
Friends And Ememies
- Gluckhogg of Iron Hills (Dwarf)
- Kipo of Lindon (Elf)
- Ehpkott of Bree-land (Man)
- Greyfarn (Man)
- Figitis Plum (Hobbit)
- Celendia (Elf)
- Elrond Halfelven
- Legolas Greenleaf
- Talagan Silvertounge (deceased)
- Skorgrim Dourhand - the one who destroyed the refuge of Edhelion and has caused general havoc across the lands.
- Pampraush (deceased) Aided in kidnap of Avorthal
- Saruman - Eventually he will grow to hate this guy
- Gluckhogg (formerly) - used to quarrel with him but now is close friends.
- Asmund - Despises his hunting of elven-protected creatures, and is appalled that he would ask for his aid. Considers him not a true hunter.