About Me
I have many names but you can call me Florian. I first played LotRO in 2014 and decided to make a wiki account just over a decade later :P
I'm a girl studying political science and sociology. In my free time, I write poetry, literature, and songs, and I also love drawing and photography. I do sewing, handicrafts and woodworking, and generally tinker a lot. Right now, I'm developing a couple of world-building projects. I'm have an interest in linguistics and create conlangs. I also like baking and cooking. I do programming as well, and am involved in the development of a game.
I am an outdoorsy person and love spending time outside no matter the season or weather. I often do amateur "archaeology" around where I live, exploring castles, grave mounds, bunkers and natural features I stumble across in the woods.
You can contact me here on my talk page (preferred) or on the pages listed below