Update 33.2.1 - Tuesday September 27, 2022
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Update 33.2.1 Release Notes
Here are the Release Notes for Update 33.2.1, released on Tuesday, September 27, 2022.
- Minstrel
- Major Ballad - Resonance
- The Minstrel Skill "Major Ballad - Resonance" no longer provides a "cannot harm target" error when healing another player.
- Trait Thunderous Codas
- Corrected an issue with the effect description for Thunderous Codas.
- Major Ballad - Resonance
- The Skirmish Soldier summoning skill is now fast instead of immediate.
Quests, Instances, and Adventure Areas
- "Prologue: A Sea Unsettled" will now properly bestow to High Elf Burglars upon their arrival in Celondim.
- Unusable items have been fixed. A variety of items including Hope tokens, removal salves, festival consumables, mitigation tomes, etc. will no longer return an error of "The skill cannot be used", and are once again usable.
- Players may now trade 250 Silver Tokens of the Riddermark to receive three Gold Tokens of the Riddermark. This will make bartering for the bridles easier.
- Updates the German map of "Kingstead Meadows" with the proper spelling of 'Siedlung"
- The leafy visual effects on the Rivendell Destrier travel mounts has been returned!
- War-steed Appearance: Head-Piece and Caparison of the Dúnedain are now Dyeable