Update 31.1.2 - Wednesday January 12, 2022
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Next patch: Update 31.1.3 - Thursday January 20, 2022 |

Update 31.1.2 Release Notes
Here are the release notes for Update 31.1.2, released on Wednesday, January 12th, 2022.
News and Notes:
- Newly-acquired Wayfarer's, Traveller's, and Adventurer's Lootbox gear is now Bind to Account rather than Bind to Character.
- The benefits on the Restless Dwarf-lord's Shimmering Stud and Shimmering Stud of Pughlak's Den have been adjusted slightly to make them more focused on healing for Captains and Beornings. Critical Defence has been replaced as a stat on the following items:
- Restless Dwarf-lord's Jade Ear Cuff
- Restless Dwarf-lord's Carven Ring
- Restless Dwarf-lord's Adamant Ring
- Restless Dwarf-lord's Thin Carved Jade Ring
- Restless Dwarf-lord's Thin Glittering Earring
- Restless Dwarf-lord's Thin Hardened Torc
- Restless Dwarf-lord's Thin Iron Stud
- Jade Ear Cuff of Pughlak's Den
- Carven Ring of Dhúrstrok
- Iron Stud of Pughlak's Den
- Thin Carved Jade Ring of Dhúrstrok
- Thin Jade Silver Earring of Pughlak's Den
- Thin Iron Stud of Pughlak's Den
- Remembrancer's Mountain-borne Earring
- Brilliant Padded Armour of Restless Dwarf-lords
- Padded Armour of Restless Dwarf-lords
- Thin Padded Medium Cloak of Restless Dwarf-lords
Quests and Adventure Areas
- Fate of Gundabad
- Adkhat-zahhar, The Houses of Rest
- The Tier 3 Leading the Charge Deed is now active and available until 3am server time on March 2nd, 2022.
- Health has been reduced for both Loknashra and Vethug.
- Vethug now uses skills correctly.
- Loknashra's Blizzard cast time is now slower on lower difficulties.
- Several damage over time effects were hitting for more than expected across the instance, so we have reduced the damage these effects do.
- Some skill damage has been reduced.
- Area of effect damage has been increased.
- Darkness Consumes now has a limited area of effect and does less damage.
- A Houses of Rest Reward Vendor, Overseer, has been added to Zidir-nesad, the Steepset.
- Assault on Dhúrstrok
- Scion buffs have been removed from enemies in the Dhúrstrok boss fights.
- The Legacy of Durin and the Trials of the Dwarves
- Fixed an issue where a dwarf in Chapter 11.5 could fall through the floor.
- Vales of Anduin
- The Vales of Anduin had been erroneously set to be at a higher level break than they should have been for access on Anor.. This area is now in-line with the Ironfold and the Grey Mountains.
- Adkhat-zahhar, The Houses of Rest
- Corrected some German and French text.