Update 31.0.1 - Thursday November 18, 2021
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Update 31.0.1 Release Notes
Here are the release notes for Update 31.0.1, released on Thursday, November 18th, 2021.
Of Special Note:
Two New Instances in Fate of Gundabad are now available!
Two new Small Fellowship Instances, 'Assault on Dhúrstrok' and 'Den of Pughlak', are now available for 1-3 players, levels 130-140! To encounter 'Assault on Dhúrstrok', talk to Shúkurz at Aslíf in Deepscrave. To encounter 'Den of Pughlak', talk to Orti at Watchers' Roost in Gloomingtarn.
Learn more about the Fate of Gundabad expansion in the LOTRO Market!
News and Notes:
- Coffers of Traveller's Gear can now be used up through character level 130.
- Virtue XP rewards have been removed from level cap 130 repeatable quests.
- The Gundabad weekly quests, 'Reclaiming the Mountain-hold (Weekly)' and 'Challenges of Gundabad (Weekly)', will now award Virtue XP.
- On A Mission (Weekly)' and and 'On A Continuing Mission (Weekly)', when started at the level cap of 140, will now correctly award Embers rather than Motes.
- The new Instances have the following chest rules:
- 3-Person: 5 Favoured pulls per week on each Tier 1 through Tier 3 chest. 1 weekly pull each on Tier 4 and Tier 5.
- 6-Person: 3 Favoured pulls per week on each Tier 1 through Tier 3 chest. 1 weekly pull each on Tier 4 and Tier 5.
Quests and Adventure Areas
- Chapter 5.1: "Many Masters" is now an on-ramp for The Legacy of Durin and the Trials of the Dwarves. It is still recommended that you play Legacy of Durin Chapters 1 through 4, but it is no longer required.
- Various fixes have been made to the Car Bronach Quest "Flight to Grumachath".
- Corrected an issue where some of the spawns in and around the Drearspire were not properly spawning.
- The Quest "Raiders in Mattugard" can now be completed. If you had the quest underway you will need to talk to Lossi again to start the quest.
- The quests "Gundabad Missions" now count for the On A Mission and On a Continued Mission quests.
- "On a Mission (Weekly)" and "On A Continuing Mission (Weekly" now bestow correctly for level 130 to 139 characters.
- Starting "On A Mission (Weekly)" and "On A Continuing Mission (Weekly)" award Embers rather than Motes when started at the level cap of 140.
- "On a Mission (Weekly)" and "On A Continuing Mission (Weekly)" have been versioned for this release. These quests now bestow normally upon completing a qualifying Mission. Your progress on these quests has been reset if it was already underway.
- Fires won't continuously burn once you interact with the piles in the quest "Khorroz: Beasts at Bay".
- Players being revived in certain parts of Borkordh in Pits of Stonejaws will no longer be booted from the space.
- Players can now leave to the expected location from The Secret Stairs in Welkin-lofts.
- The Death of Scatha dungeon no longer warns and kicks players out.
- The Quests "Hetbrúda" and "Varthmath" now properly phase out at Maergrind.
- The blackouts have been adjusted during the Legacy of Durin and the Trials of the Dwarves 9.2 "The Divided Loyalties of Glúrkub the Goblin" Parts Two and Five so they will be more reliably removed.
- The second part of the 9.2 session has been made more reliable. If you are not given anything to click on, standing in the middle of the chamber for 25 seconds will advance the quest.
- Corrected some Z-fighting issues in Gundabad.
- A stuck spot in Tholmuzog has been fixed.
- Terrain showing through the entrance of Oil Oivas has been fixed.
- A few "floating assets" in Mattugard have been grounded.
- Players will no longer fall through some sections of the Eastern catwalks and ruins of Deepscrave.
- The Gundabad Mission Stable Destination will now be automatically discovered upon interacting with any of the other mission stable-masters.
- Hobbit Housing now supports floor texture and color items once again!
- The doors to Zudramdân and Shakal-atrâd in Elderslade allow passage once again.
- An Orc stuck inside physics in Thikul-gundu has been freed!
- The following quests are now correctly repeatable: Mining For Crystals, Searching For Diamonds, Searching For Gold, Searching For Sapphires, Searching For Treasures, The Stone-smashers.
- The Help page should load properly once again.
- The quest 'Awakening' and the conclusion of the story of Gloomingtarn is now available to experience! If you have finished the existing story of Gloomingtarn, return to Hermath Stormhammer at Watchers' Roost.
Known Issues
- The Legacy of Durin Chapter 5.6 High Seat of the Dwarves and Chapter 6.6: The Fine Print award 1000 Virtue Experience each. Currently, this award is incorrectly displaying a second time in the quest rewards UI under the "Choose One" rewards list.