Update 27.0.1 - July 2, 2020

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Previous patch: Update 27 - June 30, 2020
Next patch: Update 27.1 - July 8, 2020
Patches (19 C, 2 P)

Update 27.0.1 Release Notes

Here are the Release Notes for Update 27.0.1, released on Thursday, July 2nd.

Epic Book

  • Epic Volume V, Book 1: 'A Time of Celebration' - Corrected an issue where the fireworks would sometimes fail to progress the Instance. The /cheer at the end of the ceremony is no longer an Objective.


  • The following items are once again correctly tagged as task items: Dwarf Sword Sheath, Rock Tail, Stone-abdraded Skin, Withered Claw, Withered Ear, Calcified Carapaces, Lost Essences, Pebbled Filth, and Storn-worn Furs..

Midsummer Festival

  • The currency cap for Midsummer Tokens has been increased to 250.
  • Quest: Filled to the Brim - Drunken revellers will no longer rapidly disappear and reappear in place.
  • The Blue Theatre (Midsummer) will no longer send low level players back to their starting location on Anor, Ithil or Bombadil.
  • Removed an erroneous floating structure.


  • Fixed an issue where Monster Player characters were unable to barter for food, potions, or other items.
  • Fixed an issue where Monster Player characters were unable to acquire Deeds.
