Class Trait Point

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Class Trait Points are used to populate the Trait Tree of a character. Trait points are granted by levelling according to the following table. Currently the maximum level at which trait points are granted is 140.

Levels 1-50
Level Available
trait points
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 4
6 5
7 6
8 7
9 8
10 9
11 10
12 11
13 12
14 13
15 14
16 15
17 16
18 17
19 18
20 19
21 20
23 21
25 22
27 23
29 24
31 25
33 26
35 27
37 28
39 29
41 30
43 31
45 32
47 33
49 34
50 35
Levels 51-100
Level Available
trait points
51 36
53 37
55 38
57 39
58 40
59 41
60 42
61 43
62 44
63 45
64 46
65 47
66 48
68 49
70 50
72 51
74 52
75 53
76 54
78 55
80 56
82 57
84 58
85 59
86 60
88 61
90 62
92 63
94 64
95 65
96 66
97 67
98 68
99 69
100 70
Levels 101-150
Level Available
trait points
101 71
102 72
103 73
104 74
105 75
106 76
108 77
110 78
112 79
114 80
115 81
116 82
117 83
118 84
119 85
120 86
121 87
123 88
125 89
127 90
129 91
130 92
131 93
133 94
135 95
137 96
139 97
140 98


Trait points were introduced with the release of the Helm's Deep expansion. Trait points were granted from various sources such as completing class skill deeds, epic quests, certain quest arcs, and earning Promotion Points in Epic Battles. The release of Before the Shadow saw a simplification of the system granting trait points solely from levelling.