Social:Soldiers of the isles
This article is a Kinship information page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official LOTRO history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The kinships and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
Soldiers of the Isles(SoTI) was founded by Gilfondor on 10th june 2011. Our army consists of many soldiers experienced in all vocations which supply our forces. We are very efficient in quests and raids, including PvMP. We do not allot any immaturity within and strive towards the goal to make this game enjoyable for everyone.SoTI does not back down from any challengers they face. We have conquered obstacles such as:PvP, raids, PvE and quests. All of our kinship members & officers have been put through tests to prove they are there to help any recruits in need of it. We are a relaxed kinship that loves to have fun with each other and sometimes perform games such as Hide 'n' seek and riddles.
How to join Soldiers of the Isles
If you are looking to join our army, send a message off to any SoTI members you see and they will introduce you to the officer online. He will send you an invite and you have officially joined us. We always welcome members, but require you need a level of atleast 10.