Social:Medusa's Reflection

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About Kinship

Contact: Tywen, Estylwyn, Tehya or any of the below listed officers.

Contact Info: [1] Kinship House Address:

Kinship Rank: Rank 10

Website: Medusa's Reflection

Our Goal

~We are looking for members with maturity, honesty, and a sense of humor that are committed to fair play and enjoy the game reasonably often.

~Our general activity is based on support for character questing; forming well-balanced fellowships, and enjoying friendly chat and banter.

~We have a goal to build into an adaptable fighting unit that is fun to be with and will be eagerly welcomed into raids for the large instances.

~We avoid looting “issues” by using the class/need/greed as the basic loot rule and addressing special needs before entering an instance.

~We have found that organization and clear-cut agreed upon rules produce a smoothly functioning fellowship and with practice, allows more fun for everyone.

~Fun is our everpresent goal.


We require that you register on our website, and adhere to the rules that we have put in place to make your gaming experience as enjoyable as possible.


Medusa's Reflection was founded by Tywen and originally lead by Melandril. As time has passed, we have gained many new family members here and many of them have called this kin home since they have joined us. We are enduring do to the fact that we have a dedicated group of officers that see to the fact our members are well taken care of and helped in all facets of the game.



Founder : Tywen
Leader : Zyanya


Officer : Cantak
Officer : Baraladriel


Please refer to our website for a full listing of our members.