Social:La Compagnia del Porcello
This article is a Kinship information page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official LOTRO history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The kinships and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
La Compagnia del Porcello or The Fellowship of the Pig is an Italian Kinship focused in group-adventures, (no matter what they are - quests, skirmishes, instances etc) crafting and having fun while lightly role-playing. Our goals are to enjoy the game as much as possible, and to help everyone willing to join to become stronger, so we can all have fun togheter doing senseless stuff, enjoying the epic lines, travelling to just see Middle-Earth's landscapes as well as raiding in group to gain honour and glory.
Kinship History
The Fellowship of the Pig is a fellowship of heroes gathered from all around Eriador to face the growing shadows of evil in Middle-Earth. Born as an alliance between 3 dwarves, an elf, a pig and a mole, the Fellowship of the Pig saw its birth when the friends mentioned before casually met one day at the Prancing Pony Inn, in Bree. They didn't know each other yet. Suddenly, one of them saw a rampaging group of Uruks coming out from nowhere, swinging their axes shouting around like devils. He charged the Uruks, and asked for help in the fight. The only ones who answered destiny's call were the other five. They fought with honour and glory, willing to drive out the evil creatures from Bree, and, after a long battle, they won the Uruks. Unfortunately, those were not Uruks: Completely drunk, they overwhelmed a small group of kids who entered the inn looking for some spare copper coins. Barliman chased the 5 out swinging a chair.
Once out of the Prancing Pony and far from Barliman, they made aquaintance with each other, they discussed on what happened and agreed that there are too much injustice and evil in Middle-Earth, and that they were to become the wardens of a peace raised upon honour and glory.
So the Fellowship of the Pig was born, company of silent heroes watching upon all the free folks of Middle Earth. But their real names were not to became their personal symbols. Instead, they decided to get some new, more heroic battle names to bear during fights.
These are the heroes of the glorious Battle at the Prancing Pony:
Vaelenriid, also known as Captain Bagpipe, the Elf Champion;
Novgorod, also known as BagMan Hollander, the Dwarf Champion;
Griselbrand, also known as Guarino of Moria, the second and totally less important Dwarf Champion;
Rashnur, also known as Doctor Saudimaniac, the Dwarf Ministrel;
Scrofo, a pig living in BagMan's trousers (also the character which gave the name to the Fellowship, being the group's mascot);
Mole-Man-Warrior, something looking like a mole, acting like a mole, but who is not a mole, but a man instead.
During the years they passed fighting evil, more willing fighters joined the rank of this heroic fellowship:
Buonleandro, an Elf Lore-Master loving copper and aged jewellery;
Kidomaru, an Elf Hunter expert in growing vegetables;
Malfeduse, an Elf Guardian willing to fight everythings that lives;
And others, who are not in the list above.
For the "Chronicles of the Pig", the stories of this fellowship's adventures, please keep reading this.
Anyone willing to fight evil and enjoy a good laugh should ask. You have to be serious, but in the less serious way possible. If you think you are capable of joining a non-serious-serious-roleplay-kinship, you are welcome. As you get into the mood, the stories you'll live together with the fellowship will eventually be written down if they are enough epic.
There might be collateral effects during our adventures, like death.
For a quick/immeadiate answer, contact Vaelenriid or Buonleandro first.