Social:Knights of Valour
This article is a Kinship information page The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official LOTRO history or occurrences which are accurate for all worlds. The kinships and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. |
The Knights of Valour, formerly the Knights Templar, was renamed by Turbine Staff for using a name with Historical significance. The leaders of the kin are long time MMO players who devote substantial amounts of time, money and energy to ensure your game playing time is maximized to help you level, craft and have fun within the game environment. The Knights of Valour's rules are very simple:
1. Have fun; 2. Chat in kin chat often; 3. Have fun; 4. When asked for help, and you can provide it, please do. In response, when you ask for help, we too will try to help you!; 5. Have fun; 6. Donate items to kin if you can't use them, your trash may be another’s gold; only take items that you need, not greed. This way everyone can use them. 7. Have fun; 8. Kin auctions and kin giveaways must be for you, not for alts unless they too are a member of the kin. It must be useable for you now, not in the future. No trading or selling on AH any kin giveaways. 9. Have fun! 10. Kin chat is PG rated only. Officers are monitoring this 24/7.
In other words, everything we can do to help each other, we do. Have fun and see you on Vilya. Look for Knights around Bree and if interested, ask to speak to any officer on-line! As the largest active kin on Vilya, we are everywhere.
Knights of Valour Vilya