Social:Kinships of Nimrodel

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NOTE: The Nimrodel server is closed. The kinships listed below remain for historical purposes only.

  • The Alliance - A good group of casual gamers who enjoy the game and having fun. We focus on PvE and making the most of the game. We plan to set up PvP events in the future as time and interest allow. We are focused on getting the most out of the classes we play and advancing with our fellow kin. If you would like to join the kinship, or if you just want to group with one of us, please contact one of these players: Damin, Belnoreth, Dagorric.
  • Arch Presidium- Arch Presidium is a Lord of the Rings Online kinship located on the Nimrodel server. We are a close-knit group of players with jobs and families. Arch Presidium is not a "hardcore" kinship. We enjoy a casual, drama free atmosphere. Everyone's opinion counts and there is no required attendance to events. We are here to have fun and enjoy the game with no pressure in a drama free environment. We are currently looking to grow our membership, especially for elder-game content. If you are interested in helping to grow a kin or think you have an interest in elder-game content but don't want the stress of a larger kinship, we are for you. Tell Samel, Samrien, Grimscribe, Grimaldur, Hjorl, Sigmarr to try us out.
  • Arequain en Dor-En-Ernil (Roleplaying Kinship) - The Arequain en Dor-e-Ernil (Adúnaic for the High Knights of the Land of the Prince) is a roleplaying-enforced kinship who only recruits Gondorians (as well as Elves from Edhellond & Dwarves from the White Mountains). Our name is inspired from the Knights that ventured with Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth to aid with the defence of Minas Tirith and who fought so valiantly on the fields outside the White city and before the black gate of the Morannon. We have a set RP story for the kin, and all players are asked to form their RP around that story.
    We have certain days where we hold RP events for all of the kinship who wish to join as well as at least two days every week where we do skirmishes together or raids with as many kinmembers we have on. AQlso we try to keep our kinship chests stocked with craft materials for all of the kin to take as they need, provided they return what they find and do not need for others to use. This is done by a honour system and we trust everyone who take part of the kin to not abuse this.
    If interested ask Saorice, Naritha or Elindari. Requirements are that you want to RP and that you hail from Gondor, Edhellond or White Mountains, and we do not accept anyone else.
  • Blades of Middle Earth - Blades of Middle Earth is a fun, inviting kinship welcoming all races/classes/levels to join our ranks. Our officers are always willing to help out those in need and we like to think of ourselves as a big family. In addition to assistance with quests, crafting, and deeds, we are also known for our group raids/instances (usually done on weekends). If u are interested in joining, or simply want to get in contact with us, contact Slowdown, our fearless leader, or Skkippy, her 2nd in command.
  • Bricks and Mordor - A large and active kinship on the Nimrodel server - focuses on casual social events, such as a weekly Hide n Seek and monthly screenshot contests, but also runs raids at various levels at times to improve our combat prowess and coordination. We also have a creep tribe called 'Mordor and Bricks' where we work together (sometimes in role play) to get a Hobbit dinner. We would be happy to have you as we try to juggle all aspects of Lotro at once! (Old but still true) promotional video: If interested, please contact Neferetta (leader), Edroden (successor), Navalgar (that's me, the event organizer!) or any other member you happen to see online who looks crazy enough to be a genuine kin member!
  • La comunidad del Anillo -El Unico y Más grande Kinship de HIspanohablantes del Server, somos un kin , amigable , cooperativo y numeroso , no lo dudes , unéte .
  • Dark Legacy - Dark Legacy is rank 10 kinship formed in the first few days of LOTRO. In the past year they have shifted from a relaxed, family-oriented kinship in to a raiding kinship. DL is an active and mature (R-rated) kinship which currently raids the Tower of Orthanc, Draigoch, Heelegrod, and various skirmishes on a weekly basis. Vent is used frequently and is required for raiding. Recently, Dark Legacy has become an active force in the pvmp realm and has a group in the Moors on a daily basis if they are not raiding. They also have a creep tribe called Legacy of Darkness. For information on joining Dark Legacy please contact Shelias or Lemluyen in game and fill out an application on the website. You may also contact Turlho for information on joining in on weekly skirmish raids or Bigslick for information on the joining some Moors action.
  • Defenders of Helm's Deep - A strong kinship full of knowledge and Strength. Defenders welcomes all levels/races/classes to join our epic adventure. Our officers is fully and willing to lend and hand for those in need of dark times. Tho eriador is over run my dread Defenders shall see it til the end of this evil dread. We do lots/any raids, instances, skrims. Defenders is currently recruiting Freeps looking for a full fun exciting time. If this is you contact Etheldore . Also check us out on YouTube, FB.
  • Dragonsworn - A mature group of gamers, alot with MMORPG experience, who have banded together to get the most they can out of a teriffic, engrossing game. Formed to provide a resource for like-minded players to fellowship, trade, raid, complete quests, and have fun. We have begun to schedule events such as trade fairs and raids, although neither is mandatory. If you would like to join, contact Satori, Brood, or Koro in game or check out our website.
  • Eruchin - The best fringe-casual kinship on Nimrodel! Eruchin began in the Dawn of beta when Eldalye and Ormaz began a quest to find the best players in all of Nimrodel. They learned to settle and selected what was available, free spirits, the working poor and people with a generally good sense of humor and a casual attitude toward combating evil. A mighty legion of heroes and champions formed in Middle Earth to battle Sauron and his armies and probably saw Eruchin by the side of the road while they were on their way. Eruchin has always been there, relaxing and taking in the scenery of middle earth. Passionate devotees of the Inns and trails, tireless crafters who take advantage of the wealthier, harder working players who probably have a llittle more cash and a will to work for it. Eruchin is always there to make a buck. Masters of the Blood Port, Eruchins have learned to fall and die with honor. All the mighty look the same when they have plummetted to their deaths... damp, chunky and generally red. Middle Earth gives great heights from which to fall and we have fallen from the best of them... a lot. In every great epic tale, there is the story of the little folk who were called on when heroes couldn't hack it. The fodder for the cannons. The extras to fill the great battle scenes so they look impressive. The 12th man for any raid when the call goes out for one more... any class and gtg. Eruchin is that little guy who will one day stand proud in the great battles, if we can get some time off work.
  • Flock of Moosen - One of the biggest kins on Nimrodel. We do runs together, help each other out in many ways, and have a GREAT time doing it! Our "Sunday Rocks" concert events in Bree are nearly legendary, and we actively recruit members. For more information, send a tell to any member you see! We're located all over the map!
  • Gallant Few - A large group of very active, very mature players. Our goal is to have fun, help out when we can and make Nimrodel a great place to play. If that sounds like fun to you too, just shout out a tell to the first member you see and we will get you hooked up.
  • Glamadrus Seregon - Clean voice chat, planned raids usually each week.
  • Grace of the Valar - We're a small (currently rank 7) kinship. It's about having fun and helping our fellow kinmates.
  • The Grey Mantle - The Grey Mantle is a role-playing-lite (encouraged but never enforced) kinship. We have active forums for character bios and short stories. We also put together weekly role-playing events. Mature participating players welcome.
  • Guardians of Rohan - A diverse and friendly group of players dedicated to helping each other have fun and explore Middle-Earth. Team players with a sense of humor strongly preferred. We want to maintain a broad range of levels and classes, so beginners and experienced players are encouraged to talk to Guardians of Rohan members about joining!
  • Guardians of the Flame- Guardians of the Flame exists to foster a more enjoyable gaming experience for its members. The members support one another in a variety of ways from helping with quests, to sharing skills and knowledge, to making playing LOTRO a great experience through laughter and fellowship. The kinship has regular celebrations, planned events and monthly lotteries.
  • Hobbiton Hoblites - The Hobbiton Hoblites are a rank 10 kinship of casual & mature players. We accept characters of all classes and races (but do show a special affinity for our hobbit brethren). We prefer to have mostly players with lore-ish or fantasy type names since it makes the experience more enjoyable for all of our players. We have a teamspeak server that we use for voice-chat while grouping, and do a fair amount of group content most nights. The majority of our main members are older players and/or parents, so we understand and cater to the needs of people with children. We are always accepting new members and aim to help players develop their characters to their max potential. If you're looking for a smaller kinship where you can get to know all the main members and become part of the main group of adventurers we could be the place for you! Contact Fennegar for details.
  • Hockeytown - A small family kinship from the Great White North which honours the Gods Howe, Orr and Gretzky. We are not recruiting, the roster is set and we are at the salary cap. Our ongoing quest is to gain Lord Stanley's Cup (again). See Tyberius for details.
  • The Inklings - A group of mature (not old, just mature) gamers who are interested in a fun experience, helping each other out, and crafting if that is your thing. We have every craft so far in the kinship and most are or nearly Supreme level. The name of the kinship comes from the fellowship that Tolkien started with CS Lewis. Senior members that can help you are Lasbenel, Tholinstronginthearm, Dainthus, and Byter. We invite anyone who just wants to have fun! You don't need to feel the need to contribute when you do not want to but some co-op is appreciated. We currently only have a couple of players that play later in the evening and the largest number of players play throughout the day. Tholinstronginthearm/Lasbenel and Dainthus are two of the kindest coolest people you can play with - they will hook you up, take time out of what they are doing, and provide fantastic and entertaining banter.
  • Knights of Oath - A small kinship devoted to exploring the world of middle earth and having fun. Contact Hilderic or Aragthalion in game for invite or apply in our website.
  • Knights of Rivendell - We are a rank 10, mixed kinship open to all players regardless of race, class, or how long you've been playing - we invite new players to check us out. We are an informal group, we encourage member advancement in crafting, and share both resources and knowledge. We have also recently started getting involved in PvP, for those who are interested. Mainly, we help each other enjoy the game! For more info, contact Meggwyn. Alternately if you see one of us, say hello!
  • The Knights Who Say Ni - We Are the Knights who say Ni! Bring us a shrubbery!!
  • Legacy Of Chaos - A small kinship mainly oriented toward questing and crafting. We're very friendly and helpful send a mail to Overdoz or Gilephor for info.
  • Light in the Dark - Hello! Our small but steadily growing Kinship is all about fun, adventure, and a pint of good ol' ale. We accept any race, class, level, or the like. We will graciously accept any request for help anytime. Since we are relatively new, we do not have a website yet, nor do we have any current plans to create one. If you are interested in joining, you are free to consult our members ingame. If you have any further questions, you are free to ask the founder, Hantal. So come on in, join the fight against the Shadow, and be THE Light in the Dark!!!
  • Light Of The Ages - We are a growing kinship (currently around 80 players) looking for mature players to join us. We are helping each other out whenether it is possible, including trading within the kin, etc. If you want to join us, visit our site and click "Apply to Kinship" to be able to post in our forums.
  • Lye merna aut farien - in Elvish, it translates to 'We shall go hunting'. We are a group who adventures together, helps each other with information, questing, and gear, when possible. If interested, contact anyone in the guild, as, for the moment, we are all officers, or contact me, the founder, Ashkeldir.
  • Malice - We are a casual raiding kinship, we help each other and hope to have fun in the process.There is no rules that if you are Malice you have to raid, in Malice you can do what you like, raid, pvp, quest with a great group of people or whatever floats your boat! We respect each other and other kins, we give help where it is needed and we focus on conquering content as it comes out! ((As of February 2012 this Kinship has disbanded; many former members/officers of Malice moved on to form Kinless which still sees some activity)
  • NiteDream - We are a small kinship that started with a couple of friends escaping from the boredom of another RPG and in doing so we established NiteDream in our second MMORPG. We are friendly and helpful, especially with crafting, and welcome new players no matter their level of experience.
  • Numenorean Kings - Numenorean Kings is a casual, all inclusive kinship, which strives to be conflict free and enjoys assisting fellow members. As a whole the kinship wants to experience all the current and future end game content as well as PvMP. We will not pressure anyone to raid, although we will have scheduled weekly raids or PvMP events (or both). All are welcome to participate provided they are of the appropriate level for the encounter. We strive to avoid the elitist attitudes which are common in large guilds. You won't find unapproachable members in Numenorean Kings.
  • One World Syndicate - A multigaming community originating from a union of Day of Defeat clans first established in 2003. We have players for a large variety of games, including multiple MMOs. Currently we are focusing on the PvE aspect of the game, but expect to branch out as we move further into the game. Membership is limited, check out the website for information, or contact Zehks in game.
  • Order of the Phoenix - Taking the name and the image of the Phoenix, a symbol of rebirth, the Order of the Phoenix was created as an organization that adventurers can join and to, collectively, combat the bringers of Shadow upon Middle earth. The Order focuses on questing, crafting, building up its membership with active/mature gamers, and PvMP. Many of our activities include fellowships or raids. If you are interested in joining us as a member, please feel free to send a /tell message to Anak or contact a member which has the title "Order of the Phoenix" under their Name and Title in-game.
  • Order of the Shadows - We welcome everyone and anyone! The Order of the Shadows is an active, helpful, fun loving Kinship with many members, high levels and low levels alike. Anyone is allowed, and encouraged, to join! Almost all our members have been (and are) willing to drop what they're doing and help out someone in need. We focus mainly on crafting, questing, and just enjoying ourselves. In the past we've had inter-kinship friendly competitions including fishing tournaments and a Middle-Earth inspired version of the Olympics. Order of the Shadows has tons of fun, and we try and throw weekly parties. Though we are funny and like to engage in friendly banter, we often have mature, serious, yet respectful debates about real world topics just to get our minds working. We are a diverse group, with people from around the world. This kin is also home to major Tolkien fans, as well as people who have only seen the movies, so everyone has a spot in here! To join us, try contacting Mirmegil (Leader), Paclo, Nomarette, Thuraen, Farulfr, or Zoglos. If that doesn't work, just talk to anyone from our kin, and they'll be sure to relay your message!
  • Order of Iluvatar - Kinship created by Sallaras, which from the beginning was made by him to create a kinship based on the core concept to form a community, and moderated by its deputy leaders Thordish,Kinoda,and Ozzywallin.The kinship was formed on April 10, 2013 and is recognized as a kinship that has been increasing over time. Their leaders are exemplary and help in the formation and maintenance of the Kinship.It's also a full alliance of cultures of nations having players from the Netherlands, USA, Sweden, England, Germany, Brazil, Spain, Canada and several other related.It is one of the reputable kinships on Nimrodel, and is also present in other MMORPG games, in order to play together as a close knit Kinship. With partnership and friendship.
  • Pirates of Middle Earth - We are recruiting! We have many members who are all active and mature. We will soon have a much better website and a TS server. We have many features, including but not limited to: A rock band, raids, weekly events, and more! Send a tell to Elokeb, Jeice, Nines, or Apoc to join this awesome kinship!
  • Redemption - Friendly kinship, that can end up feeling more like a large family than a group of strangers playing games. Currently starting to run the end game instances with a view to starting raids as soon as possible. All friendly, mature players of all levels and races accepted. No restictions on how or when you play, We just ask you treat everyone with respect. Apply via website or ask an officer ingame. Kinleader: Flat | Officers: Vocal, Kenwyn, Gungineer +Others)
  • Republic of Mordor - Named for its irony, we are a laid back kinship that is always recruiting. We always a looking to help others and makes those monster players pay!!! If you think you a worthy to join, everyone is, then contact Megahyrrt or Eahelm, or join on the site.
  • Runners of Pie - Our Mission Statement: "To help our members progress through the levels all the while having fun and making friends in a friendly and mature atmosphere." What our kin is: "We are a rank 10, mixed class kin that has the goal of creating a fun and friendly environment for everyone while we help each other progress through the game." Apply via website or ask an officer ingame. Kinleader: Allistina | Officers: Clairity, Maredain, Regner, Allistah, Adargalad, Tinsel, Anewen, +Others
  • Seekers of the Silmarils - We are a casual and fun group of gamers. Our primary focus is to assist new and lower level players through the game but we are versatile to fit the needs of our members. We also focus heavily on end-game raiding (weekly run of top-level content). We have regular social events, raids, and instance runs of all levels. We are happy to recruit any level and class. Our rules are simple: Have a good sense of humour and respect your fellow players. Send a message or mail to any officer for more info or check out our website. Leader: Aquitas - Officers: Matalan, Ramallo, Tuorond, Hatun, Retsudo, Reignmaker, and Stikum.
  • Servants of the Risen King - We are a new rank 6 kinship run with Christian values in mind. We are always recruiting players of all levels and are interested in helping each other out in any way we can. We're also very laid back and you'll never hear us telling anyone how to play their character in any way. In fact the one and only thing we ask is that you treat others with respect...other than that we have no official "rules". If you're interested in can /tell Elonian or Daerwyn in game or ask anyone with our kin name about joining. Happy gaming everyone....and God Bless.
  • Silver Willow - Silver Willow is a Lord of the Rings Online Kinship on the Nimrodel server. We are a US based kin with varying time zones. We are a mature, social and fun kinship focused on helping each other manage the tasks given by those in need. We are a role playing kinship, however the quality and quantity of ones RP is solely up to the person playing. Please check our website or contact Rilia in game for info.
  • Soggy Bottom Clan - Small but old kinship (Rank 10). Been around since the beginning of time. About 10 members, all casual and mature players. Feel free to look us up on Nimrodel if you want to join. Just /tell Dunaedus (founder), Takaus, Morphaleus, Joshabadoo, Jakimli, Haradmith or others. Based in the Atlantic (Caribbean) and Eastern (U.S.) time zones.
  • Sons of Durin - Sons of Durin is a formidable kinship founded during open Beta April 2007 on Nimrodel. As a primarily raiding Kinship the Sons of Durin is the largest community of players on Nimrodel who have come together for one common goal, to have a good time exploring Middle-earth. Sons of Durin currently has 10 raid groups, we are a mixed Kinship of casual and hardcore players. We have enough elite players to do top tier content and Raids, though it is not a requirement of membership to participate in group activities. Has 74 pages of people. As of 2012 this is still an active kinship in both raiding and pvmp.
  • The Tarcan Guild A small kinship that is looking for active members to join. See Geofferytarcan for info or if you want to join. (Rank 7 Kinship)
  • Team Venture - Founded by the dynamic duo, Mabma & Jamba, Team Venture is an homage to the Adult Swim Team of the same name. We fight the forces of Sarumon and the Monarch, ever venturing for the forces of good. We fight to help other players and kinships, and will often help lower level players. The only requirement for fellowshipping a Venture Brother is working as a team; we're all in this together friends. Go Team Venture!
  • Templars of Twilight - Templars of Twilight is a kinship founded on the ideas of being open for mature, relaxed players looking for others to have fun and help out. We love crafting and helping each other in quests. We are really active and you'll always find someone else online to have fun with! We don't force people to take part in group activies but there is plenty of it for those who do want to join in. We see ourselves as one big family and would love to have you join. Not one of our members is inactive as we do checks to make sure inactive people are booted, unlike other kins which have 100s of pages of inactive members.
  • There And Back Again - A competitive, efficient, exclusive, and overall superior mixed-race kinship. We are devoted to making the experience of Lord of the Rings Online as rewarding, engrossing, and ultimately as enjoyable as it can possibly be. We accomplish this by maintaining three standards of conduct and organization: cooperation, dedication, and expertise. We have established our distinctive Coat of Arms and a monogram insigna, and our trademark colors are green and gold. (As of February 2012 this Kinship has disbanded)
  • Third Shift Ninjas - An eclectic group of casual gamers who stand united to defeat the evils that plague Middle-earth. We are a band of laid-back adventurers looking for members of like mind. We are currently focused on the PvE aspect of the game, but we may shift focus as our group advances. Those interested in joining the kinship can contact Hamburglur or Foo in game. We have a teamspeak, the details can be found on our website and forums. (The status of this Kinship is unknown)
  • Tinnu uin Galadhrim - A kinship of Elves and Elf-friends focused on a balance of role-playing and questing. Your goal is to have a laid-back environment of friendly people where one can relax and have fun. There are no restrictions on race, class, level or playtime required for membership. Please check out our website or send a message to our leader in-game, Orophor.
  • Vox - We are Vox! We are a rank 10 Kinship based on Christian ideals in a family-friendly environment. We focus on questing, crafting, and fun. All are welcome! We are the "voice" for those who died to keep Middle-Earth free from the darkness. Will you join us to continue their legacy to stop the evil and defend what little good is left? (As of February 2012 this Kinship has disbanded)
  • The Warband of MiddleEarth - This kinship is made up of nice people in a very comfortable environment. We are all experienced in such games and we all aim to provide a nice and comfortable environment for each members. With occassional raids and group skirmishes, we achieve a fun and worthwile experience for each members. We also often help each other out. If you are looking for a nice kinship with a lovely environment, contact: Tulagh, Thuruilien, Lenseo, Russianpower and Mycha. P.S. : We accept any members as long as they are nice to other people.
  • Warders of Amon Sul - Providing an atmosphere for mature gamers to relax and have fun with like-minded players. Focusing on providing for players from the Australian timezones (GMT+10 or there abouts) and US late night/early morning.
  • Warriors of the North is a kinship managed by 8 players, growing quickly. the goal of this kinship is good gameplay for all members. the 'pro's' of this kinship are: free armor, weapons, humor, and big fellowship-joined fights. founded by Ser JorahMormont Jawbreakers
  • White Bay Knights - Kinship privada, solo para conocidos de habla hispana. Fundada por Arthemise, Misthalin, Hadson, Fiwehir y Salliee. Somos copados, y a veces nos juntamos en Bahia Blanca a tomar helado. This day, we fight!!
  • The White Knights- founded by Hosswalth, and two co-founders Fannor, and Glorfindle. Our Kinship is for the casual gamers to help and receive help with quest, or any other problems with in the game. This kinship is for all races, and for anyone who wants or needs help. You must be friendly, relaxed, and helpful to anyone within the kinship. Happy Gaming :)
  • Turtle Conspiracy - The Turtle Conspiracy (name inspired by a hilarious house filled to the brim with turtles in Bree) is a social and advancement kinship. We focus on leveling up and achieving new goals. All races and classes are welcome, but Guardians and Rune Keepers are especially needed. We will help each other with deeds, quests, instances, and the likes. We share player-made goods such as armor and weapons as if family. If anyone desires more information on the kinship simply send a PM to any member you see or send an in-game letter to Criafol. Good luck, and happy questing!