Social:High Order of the Old Alliance

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High Order of the Old Alliance Website


High Order of the Old Alliance is a family-type kinship where the players are considered a group of friends playing a game. While we will not turn anyone away, we do not adhere to the 'hardcore' style of playing games. We are here to have fun, not stress out over not getting the gear we wanted after a 5-hour raid.

Brief History

The kinship was established in the early days of the closed beta. As the beta came to a close, the founder, Jeffamir, decided not to purchase the game due to uncertainty in his ability to juggle the many projects he had going at the time. However, now Jeffamir has returned to the Silverlode server and reformed the kinship.


While LotRO is still young and developing, our goals are simply to gather our members together and build a strong community. Over the next many months we will assist each other in gaining strength through levels, gear, and game experience. We will learn to master our individual class skills in the solo and group environment.


The kinship is currently open to all classes and levels. We desire mature players that can show respect to all members of the kinship as well as the general population of Silverlode.

To apply, please register at our forums, and make a post in the applications forum. Please read the kinship rules and guidelines carefully.


as of 20 December 2007

Kinship Leader
  • Jeffamir



  • Arglev
  • Hotnessthree


Post on our forums, for any additional information, or contact any officer in game.