Social:Everlasting Phantasmil

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The storms gather in the east, dark, brooding and menacing, offering no comfort to the fleeing farmers and there families. Ethanin and his children were part of the convoy hoping to out-run the advancing black armies.

Night had fallen, fires were made and watches set, these were not soldiers they were farmers, blacksmiths, inn keepers but they did what they could to protect there families. None were without loss though, the previous battles left no family unscarred. Ethanin pulled his cloak close as he huddled around the fire and his thoughts drifted off.

There she stood in the morning sunlight of their farmhouse kitchen window, blond hair becoming golden in the sunlight she was his world, all he did was for her and the children. He let himslf slip further he could smell her hair, feel her warmth! A tear rolled dowm his muddied face, she was lost in an Uruk-hai attack on there hamlet he and the children had been at the market and found her on there return!

Then he was back in the present, what will become of the children, what will become of himself??

The wind blew hard so much so that he almost didnt hear the breaking of twigs underfoot! As he called out to the others and turned to rush to his sleeping children the Uruk-hai arrow struck him deep into his back, he fell the scream of warning caught in his throat! The Uruk-hai charged!!

To the west Runess and her band of loyal warriors were riding towards to fire-light, longing for some warmth and companionship, tired and battle weary bodies, they follwed Runess their brave, fearless and compasionate leader!

The screams were carried towards them on the wind, without question, hesitation or thought of personal safety she called to her band of brothers, without question they kicked heels into there steeds and sped to the source of the screams, on arrival at the campsite Runess saw Ethanin fall, with instant foresight she knew he was heading for the children, as her companions quickly secured the camp she planted her standard in the earth, decaring her intention to make her stand in defence of the innocents.

Outnumbered, surrounded by merciless Uruk-hai she shouted her defiance at the Uruk-hai, quickly joined by her companions, their voices rose to a battle-cry! Runess glanced quickly to her senior Lieutenants, instantly they knew her intentions, Enroc called for the children to be protected, Heniz cast her opening spell as Runess and the others charged, straight into the main bodies of the advancing Uruk-hai. The Uruk-hai leader and his troops were taken aback by this tactic, Burlbet and Denknots lead the defence of the children, arrows hummed from the bows of Basgard, Bladras, what were these mad men in front of them, no thought given to there own safety, just a desire to see the destruction of the Uruk-hai in front of them. The Uruk-hai lines held for a second, waivered and then crumbled, slowly at first and then in full flight, broken, defeated the Uruk-hai fled for there lives, commander dead, 20 left from a raiding party of over 200, who were these middle-earth warriors?

Runess assessed the surrounding camp-site, the children were safe, 3 farmers survived and strangely the fire still burnt away, her lieutenants joined her, we must take the fight to these dark Forces she said we cannot let them advance any further, heads nodded in agreement, swear it to me she said, there the oath was taken in front of the camp-site fire no quarter to be given in the battles against the armies of Sauron and Mordor

Sauron and his Mordor masses plot the continuing down-fall of Middle-earth, however, this band of brave brothers and sisters wait for him on the field of battle, readied, determine and resolute!!!! Sauron and the black armies will find no more a determined or readied foe and they fear this!!

Leader - Runess

Officers - Basgard - Bladras - Burlbert - Denknots - Divineshine - Enroc - Heinzbean - Highlandress - Jothalion - Digihunter and Anenderyl

Everlasting Phantasmil is a fun, social and engaging Eldar Kinship - membership by invitation only